Chapter 32

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Hiccup's POV
"Okay class, finals is in two weeks. Your exam is youre going to sing. Solo. I made it easier for you since you all has been working hard." Our teacher in music explain. Half of the class cheered since it is easy for us to sing but some groaned since they cant sing.

"So what you gonna sing?" Astid asked who was beside me, i shrugged before replying, "I dont know. I'll think about it first." I smiled. She smiled back, taking one of my hands in hers intwining our fingers together.

I love it when she hold my hand. I felt all the butterflies inside my tummy dance. Goosebumps etc.

I love her to death. I dont know what would happen if she left. And i hope she wont. I hope we'll be together forever.

"What are you thinking?" I snap out of my thoughts when she spoke.

I smiled "Just thinking how beautiful you are and how much i love you." I lifted her hand that i was holding kissed her knuckles.

She blushed at the words and at the gesture. "So lunch later? My treat." I asked

She instantly smiled "Sure! I want pizza!" She clap her hands just like a 5 year old kid who got a candy. I rolled my eyes while smiling because of her childish behavior "Of course! All girls love pizza!"

After Class

After class Astrid and i went to some pizza restaurant just like i said. And it's my treat. "Good afternoon maam and sir!" the waiter greet us as he opened the door for us. I nod my head as a reply and as a thank you.

We walked hand in hand as we look for an empty seat or table. We spotted one by the corner. We sat there and both look at the menu.

The waiter stood beside the table holding a pen and a piece of paper waiting for our order. "So what do you want m'lady?" I asked. I let her decide cause she was the one who was craving for pizza.

"Uhmm... I want this pepperoni pizza."

"As you wish m'lady."

I turned towards the waiter and said "We'll get the jumbo size pepperoni pizza and two rootbeer drinks."

"That's all sir? You want anything?" The waiter asked. I shook my head while waving my hand telling that we dont want anything.

The waiter nodded "Just wait for 15 to 20 minutes sir and your order will be serve." After that he walked away.

"Babe, im gonna use the bathroom. I'll be back in 5 minutes." She said standing up.

"Yeah sure." I said nodding my head.

She turned around and walked towards the bathroom is. I grab my phone from my pocket and start scrolling through twitter when suddenly someone snatch my phone from my hand.

"What the-" i stop when i looked up.

There standing beside me was Heather. The least person i wanted to see. She gave me a sickening sweet smile but i gave her a growl while glaring at her.

"So what are you doing here alone?" She said in an ugly sweet voice

"Im not alone. Im with Astrid." I snapped.

She smiled widely when i said that "So where is she?"

"She's in the bathroom and she'll be back in a minute so if i were you i would give my phone back and leave."

She huffed and look at me "And why is that?"

"Because if she saw you talking to me she'll shot you with a shotgun, chop your body and feed it to sharks." I said glaring at her trying to scare her.

But instead she just chuckled and rolled her eyes "I dont care."

"Just go awa-" i stop when she suddenly did something i didnt expect.

My eyes were wide, my hearts beats faster and i was shocked. I couldnt move and i regret it. She kissed me. Fuck. I didnt know what to think.

HI GUYS! Long time no see huh? I know i know. Yall have been waiting for the update since november 2015! Hahahaha im really sorry for not updating for 8 months.

I was really planning on deleting this but then i realized how selfish i was that time. Because i know some of you really love this story so im really really sorry! Dont worry guys ive decided that i wont delete this story!

Thank you for waiting patiently! I love you guys! Again, im really sorry!

- MR. Night Fury

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