Chapter One

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I'm posting Chapter One early so you guys have something to actually read about the story. I did it pretty quick, but hope you guys enjoy it all the same. Try and give feedback at the end? Thanks for reading!


I finished packing all my bags, and sit, exhausted, on my bed. I sigh with relief that I finally finished packing for the two month trip to England, but am not excited to be going back to the place where I had a bad childhood. Having terrible experiances there as a kid was not fun, and I especially didn't want to remember...

"TOM!" Kelsey exclaims, as she bursts through my door, looking excited as always. "THE Tom Hiddleston will in England when we go! GAAAAAAAAH. How exciting is this?!?" She squeels.

I look down at the floor, with pain starting to build in my stomach, turning into knots. "Totally exciting. Just absolutely thrilling," I say sarcastically, giving her a glare.

"Reallly? Are you going to start THAT again?" She looks at me, and shakes her head. I still haven't told her that I used to be best friends with Tom when I was a kid, and really don't want her knowing about it. If she did, I just know in my gut that she would spaz out and start asking never-ending questions, and never stop bugging me about it.

But she did know that I had a rough childhood there, getting bullied and all. She sighed, and put her hand on my shoulder. "Look, Gabi, I know that you had a rough childhood there, and that you guys moved here so you wouldn't get hurt again, but it doesn't mean that you can wreck the whole trip by being in a bad mood. Please?" She looks me in the eyes, I give her the look that I always give her when I'm not really in a mood to talk. I then look away, not wanting to make eye contact, for in fear I will start crying.

"Look Kelsey, I am seriously excited for the trip.."

"Then how come I don't believe you?"

"I seriously am though. I... I want to go with you, my best friend, and show you all the places I went to and stuff. I just.. I can't stand talking about Tom right now. You're always talking and fangirling about him, and just need a break from it, okay?" I look her in the eye, giving her my best puppy dog face, knowing that she would give in instantly.

"Fine," She says with a smile. "Whatever. But you're going to suffer after when we get back home from the trip," The smile was from ear to ear now. I smile back at her, knowing that she was going to give an earful of him anyways during the trip, and I gave her a light shove. We both laugh, and get up, picking up my bags with me.

I grab my plane tickets, the realization spreading through my mind that I fear going back to England where everything happened so long ago. I'm getting nervous and shaky, because I fear what lies ahead for me there in England. two months there is a long time, especially since I have been through so much there, and because I have a best friend who won't be quiet about the guy who had basically save my life, and was torn away from me. I look around my room one last time, longing to bring it with me, before I shut the door behind and leave to the airport that will bring me to the last place I ever wanted to go.

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