Chapter 8 - Appointments

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Friday morning was a bit more chaotic than normal in the Abernathy household with everybody trying to get ready to leave the house on time.

"Call me as soon as you know what the doctor says," Greg told Susan as he kissed her goodbye.

"I will when I can. Mom's going to be with me to help with Melody," Susan reminded him.

"I want to know about that too, so call me," he urged.

"I will," Susan said. "Good luck, Greg. I know today is going to be a busy day for you and your team."

"It will be, but I'll be home on time tonight," Greg assured her.

"Thank you," Susan whispered. "I'm a little nervous about a weekend on our own, you know."

"I know," Greg said and he kissed her again.

"Susan, you'd better hurry up," Mrs. Abernathy urged. "We don't have time to take Jessie and Zack to school if they miss the bus today."

"Yes Mom," Susan said pulling reluctantly away from Greg as he released her.

Greg hurried out the door while Susan turned her attention to getting the rest of the family on their way.

Finally, everyone aside from herself, her mother, and Melody was out the door. Susan packed a bottle for the baby, her diaper bag, and her stroller. Then with her mother's help they carried it all out through the cave to the car.

"Are we going to be late?" Mrs. Abernathy asked anxiously once Melody was settled in her car seat in the back and she was fastening herself in.

"We might be, if the traffic is bad," Susan said as she triggered the garage door to open and backed out onto the driveway. She turned the car around, pushed the button to close the door behind them and guided the car down the drive, out onto the street until they came to Malibu Canyon Road. From there they made good time into Malibu, arriving in front of Dr. Daniels office five minutes before Susan's appointment.

"I'm going in, Mom. Here are the keys so you can lock up if you want to come in to wait," Susan told her.

"We will," Mrs. Abernathy said.

"Okay," Susan said and she disappeared through the doctor's office door.


"I am very glad to see you, Susan," Dr. Daniels said cheerfully when he came in.

"Thank you," Susan said. "It does feel like it's been a while."

"More than a month. How are you doing with the baby?" Dr. Daniels asked.

And so Susan told him about Melody, summarizing what they'd learned and how they were coping since she'd been born.

"I am very glad you decided to hire help," Dr. Daniels said. "And I'm glad you look to be doing so well. But shall we be sure of that?"

"Yes please," Susan said. "And once you've done my exam, I have some questions."

"Of course. Let me call my nurse."


Susan's exam was more or less routine. She talked with the doctor for several minutes after and left the office with a small collection of papers clutched in her hand.

"Is everything okay?" Mrs. Abernathy asked her daughter when she re-emerged into the waiting room.

"Yes ... or at least as well as can be expected," Susan said. She glanced at her watch. It was nine thirty five. Melody's appointment was in twenty five minutes and Dr. Bower's office was less than five minutes away.

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