Chapter 82 - Hallelujah

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Greg pulled into the Abernathy's driveway at 3:20 p.m. on the afternoon of December 24th.

"You're here!" Mrs. Abernathy met them on her own driveway with open arms. "Welcome!"

"Hi Grandma!" Jessie called, flinging open the back door as soon as Greg turned off the engine.

"Hi Mom." Susan added her greeting to Jessie's as she got out too, immediately turning to get Melody out of her car seat as the baby fussed.

"MaaMaaMaa," Melody told her with a frown.

"I know," Susan soothed. "We've been sitting for a long time."

"Hello girls," Mrs. Abernathy said as Jessie came to hug her. "Welcome Greg," she added when Greg came around the front of the car to greet her too.

"Thank you. I believe we are all, very glad to be here," Greg said.

"And you got here in time," Mrs. Abernathy said.

"Yes. I think we can go," Susan said happily.

"And you don't mind, Greg?" Mrs. Abernathy wondered. "Us, taking your family away from you during Chanukah?"

"I intend to come with you," Greg told her. "Handel's Messiah is a wonderful work. I look forward to hearing it performed."

"And you're sure you don't mind?" Mrs. Abernathy repeated.

"I support Susan and all her family, including you, in your faith," Greg reminded her as he gathered a few of their things from the car and they followed Mrs. Abernathy into the house.

"As we do you," Mrs. Abernathy assured him.

"How do you mean, Mom?" Susan asked as they closed the front door behind them.

"Your father managed to get into our storage shed the other day, and he found the menorah he inherited from his father," Mrs. Abernathy explained.

Susan looked at her mother with a startled expression.

"Daddy inherited a menorah from Grandpa Joel?" she asked in astonishment.

"Wasn't Dick's father, a minister?" Greg asked.

"He was, and as Dick may have told you, his father's best friend was a rabbi," Mrs. Abernathy said.

"Yes, I remember. Rabbi Wolfe, wasn't it?" Susan asked.

"Yes." Mr. Abernathy's voice came to them from around the corner as he made his way slowly down the hall using his cane with one hand, and carrying a silver menorah and a polishing rag in the other. "I don't know why he gave it to my father, but he did. Mother gave it to me when Dad passed. I never knew what I was going to do with it, but I thought perhaps now might be the time to dig it out."

"Thank you," Greg said with a genuine expression.

"It's quite a mess," Mrs. Abernathy said apologetically. "Dick's been trying to polishing it, to get the tarnish off, and it is better, but still. I hoped to have it fit for you to use this evening, if you wish."

Greg smiled at his in-laws in astonishment. If he needed any further confirmation of their acceptance of his and Susan's relationship and situation, this was it. "Perhaps I can work on it some while Susan and the children get ready?" Greg suggested. He inspected the piece after Mr. Abernathy handed it to him. "I expect what it needs is a bit of elbow grease."

"More than likely," Mr. Abernathy agreed. "Have you got any candles for it, Mildred?" he asked his wife.

"Yes. I don't know if they are the right sort, but they should fit," Mrs. Abernathy said.

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