Chapter 54 - Interviews

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On Tuesday, October 7th, Susan spent nearly all day on the phone for the second day in a row, calling all the people back she'd spoken to the day before.

"Are you sure about this?" Janis asked.

"It's only one work-week earlier than I planned to come back originally," Susan pointed out.

"It's three weeks earlier according to the calendar, Susan. That's almost a full month," Janis reminded her. "I know ideally you wanted to take a year off following your daughter's birth. This is a full two months short of that."

"I know it is, but I did plan to come back in January anyway. And two of those weeks in December we're on company shut down, so at half time, that's not all that many hours," Susan reminded her.

"We'll need you in house a minimum of three days that week, possibly four," Janis warned. "Can you do that? With the baby?"

"We're hiring a nanny to help. I'm hoping to find one who can travel, so it should," Susan assured her.

"I don't need to know the details. All I really need to know is, you'll have it worked out."

"I will by then," Susan promised. They ended their call and she spent the next hour filling out forms for HR on line.

The next call Susan made was to Cathy at the studio.

"Is that good news?" Susan asked when Cathy didn't say anything once she'd explained what she'd managed to work out.

"I'm sure it is, but I think it's Richard you need to speak to at this point," Cathy told her.

"I'd be happy to," Susan told her. "Is there a particular day this week he'd be available to talk?"

"Are you considering making it part of your visit this week?" Cathy asked.

"Since I do need an official reason I'm coming this week, yes I do," Susan replied.

"Let me check his calendar," Cathy replied.

They determined Thursday was the best day for Susan to be there. Cathy made her an appointment then said,

"Are you going to need a babysitter?"

"I may, if my friend isn't available. Do you know if Rosemary is busy, just in case?"

"I'm sure she can help out. Just let me know," Cathy said.

"I will," Susan promised and she called Marion next.

"Yes, of course I can watch Melody," Marion assured her. "She's so easy compared to my two, and they do enjoy her company."

"Thank you, Marion. You are a true friend," Susan told her sincerely.

"My pleasure, Susan," Marion told her.

It was tempting to talk longer, but the two hung up the phone when Susan heard one of the twins fussing in the background.

"That leaves just you and me for the rest of today, little girl," Susan told Melody who was playing in her play pen with one of her toys.

Melody waved it at her and cooed before bringing the toy to her mouth, chewing on it with her gums. Susan smiled.

"I think you may be working on some teeth," she commented.

Melody stared at her, but didn't stop her chewing.

"Shall we go swimming this afternoon, after lunch? I think we're overdue for that today."

"OOoooaaaah," Melody sang, letting go of the toy as Susan bent to pick her up.

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