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You haters of Kirby's Epic Yarn out there had better keep your mouths shut, because I tell you SUCK IT! It may not look like it, but Epic Yarn is a very creative game, one of the few games to put a spin on the Kirby we know, the others, of course, being Kirby's Pinball Land, Kirby Air Ride, and Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. The story, the gameplay, the concept...everything about this game is so charming, the special abilities aren't intimidating, even the tank! And yet, it seems that because of this, there is not much love for this simple yet fun game. But I digress. Anyone who doesn't like this game needs to get that junk out of their heads. Kirby's Epic Yarn is great, people just need to see that. And though it has a decent placing on the list, the other six are just a cut above. Sorry, Epic Yarn; you are amazing, but you just weren't satisfying enough.

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