Catch Me If You Can

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Later on they call me over and I drop off the check to Prince and he look at me as if he were rollin' his eyes at me underneath those stupid shades of his. And so just when I'm about to leave from here when he comes calling me back.

Prince: Hey You.

Yn: *Turns Around and walks back * Whats the problem?

Prince: You got our bill messed up cuz I know there is no way our order would have costed even a fraction of this much?

Yn: Fine Let me see that then. *looks over the check* Oh you right that was my bad.

Prince: Damn straight Im right and it about time you recognised.

Yn: This is yall bill right here this should be right. * gives it to them the is about to walk off again they the can pay up and leave until...

Prince: Wait a minute this is the same thing.

Yn: No its not the price is much lower.

Prince: By what amout?

Yn: 5 Dallaz how could I forget that Jacobs cake was free.

Prince: What about the rest of this.

Yn: Oh this, this all, this right here this is to pay for all the food that ya boppers ate.

Prince: My what?

Yn: Yo boppers, no matter fact sratch that yo bougie boppers.

Prince: I dont know what either of those words mean in ghetto elemetary school land but you got to and re-correct this bill.

Yn: First of all yo boppers was them*make air qoutes* girls that you was too busy flirting with to even realise that they was eating you food. Second afer all that food that was a made out to yall you have to pay for it.

Prince: I dont believe this bullshit!

Yn: Ok since you dont understand then maybe I just need to break this down for you. Ok yall came up'in here yall ordered the food, the first waitess yall had took that food and ate it. The second waitress order yall food then ate it and so did that last waitress

Prince: So what dose that have to do with our bill.

Yn: Boy all that food was ordered and to be put out to yall table so that was added to yo bill which mean yo spoiled behind gotta pay for all a dis and not just what yall ate.

Prince: Bullshit this is bullshit dont be expecting no tip from me.

Yn: Oh thats okay, thats aight, thats good, I'm good, I dont need you petty money, Im good I've been making it good out from tips to paycheck with out ant of you help so I don't need nothing from yo stuck up bougie self.

Prince: Who you think is paying for this cuz you better watch your self around me girl I could have your head.

Yn: Boy who you think that gonna scare'n not me, no indeed not, thinking just cuz of who you are you got the absulute right to say and do what you wanna do and you acting like this bout to put a dent in yo forever long may ro rein legacy. Now Ima be back and when I comeback yall had better pay this check or eles we gonna have some problems I can promise you that.

Prince: Jacob man I don't know what you see in this girl man.

Jacob: * throws two wads of cash on the table then gets up thank Yn and kiss her on the hand and leaves.*

When I got back after cleaning up all the tables I see not one but two wads of cash sitting at the table waiting for me with a note "let the hunt begin". So I gathered up all my tips hopped into my car and drive to the nearest store so that I could by up the last of my supplies for twomorrow also some more kitty litter and kitty caps. And I knew that wouldn't have no problem driving into the garage with out being seen the hard part would be getting the groceies in to the ouse with out Simba and Shabah making any noise. Soon as I got in "roof roof roof, roo roo roo roooo, roof roof" and I'm telling him shhhh so nobody on the street gonna wakeup and so I can see if he used the cats litterbox which he did, I refilled simba and shabas water and food dispenser, went to the bathroom, took a bath, took off the makeup on my eyebrows and eyes, brushed my teeth changed in to my pjs, ate some food and took myself to sleep.

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now