Warm welcome

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After I told Rosey about what had happened but before we had to go I had to get my self ready hygiene and all daily routine got dressed (see external link below the 1st one) yall know how I do but after all that was said and done we were ready to leave out quick fast and in a hurry. Now buy the time I got my self together and found my duffel bag Rosey was already dress and headed toward the door so that we could go catch the trolleys. But then I turned around and saw her moving like Mr. Krabs to the door. And then I said uh uh forget that mess we taking my car. 

20 minutes later

Yn: Where  you think I should park at girl?

Rosita: Here is fine mija lets just go vamanos. 

Yn: Fine. 

*gose up to the palace then runs to the maids entrance and into the maids cubby to get my cleaning supplies* 

Princes Maid: Hey you. Your that ghetto girl that got fired last time.

Yn: Ghetto uh uh girl how you callin' ghetto girl I aint ghetto. 

Princes Maid: Too bad your coming  with me I'm taking you too see the prince and maybe I'll get a reward.

Yn: Girl plz  now I was invited and you better get you hand up off me before I bust you upside you head.

Guard: Whats going on? 

Princes Maid: Well I was about to take this girl to the prince for trespassing and faking the identity of a palace maid, she was fired not too long ago. 

Yn: Look shrew I you got one more time to put yo hands on me, I promise you it will be yo last and I was told to come here! 

Guard: By whom ?

Yn: The right hand man Jacob Perez.

Guard: I highly dout that. 

Yn: Well you bess believe it cuz guess what busta I was, he even told me I had me old job back.    

Both: Well we just see about that now wont we. 

6 moments later 

Guard: *enters the room* One of that maid to here says that shes captured a trespasser. 

Prince: Let her in. 

Prince's maid: I caught this one sneaking in probably trying to  steal.

Prince: Leave us for a moment.

guard: *dose as told*  

Prince: You bitch. So you've decided to come crawling back to get your job back.

Yn: Boy I don't know who you think you are talking to calling people out they name upin' here be cuz trust and believe me boy I can and will set it off up in here.

Prince: Enough you *walk up to the maid* young lady you shall be rewarded for you honesty and courage *looks her up'in down *as for you *look at me* guard take her away.

Jacob: Hey man what you doing what going on?

Prince: I was just about to throw this trespasser in jail for trespassing int the castle, impersonating a palace maid, possibly trying to steal. 

Jacob: Woaah guards stop leave her be and just...(gco)

Prince: Show this lovely young employed maid to my room.

Jacob: Aye man Prince can I speak to you  for a second man *walks away with prince*

Jacob's P.O.V 

Prince Jacob (Previously known as King Jacob)Where stories live. Discover now