Nagisa ↜ Teddy Bear

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A possibly insane Nagisa x Reader(?)
[Ace's Note] an oldie with a bad end.

You sat on your bed, wrapped up in multiple blankets but still feeling cold. You held the teddy bear tight in your arms, never wanting to let it go because it was all you had left of the love that you and him shared. The stuffing kept coming out, and you played with it in between your fingers.

Even though the thick red liquid had stained your sheets, you didn't bother to do anything about it. Besides, it was on your white carpet too. It'd take a while to clean that out. You lay down and look at your teddy bear, and then summon the courage to look at the hand that's clutching the bedsheets on the bedside, now pale and bloody. You stared at it, but did nothing more. You wouldn't bring yourself to look at your lover's dead body enough for it to drive you insane.

Maybe that's what had been wrong with him. Maybe he'd been insane.
Maybe he'd just realised you weren't good enough for him.

You'll never know.

A box lay on your bedside table, a crumpled photograph of yourself and some other small objects inside.

You sighed.

You had never thought that it would turn out this way. You had gave him all of your love, from when you had first met his broken self to now. Killing him was your final form of love. You set him free, didn't you?

Though of course, you wouldn't have killed him if he hadn't tried to kill you first.
"Y/N-chan!" Nagisa greeted you with a bright smile, and unable to help yourself, you grinned back, letting him into your house.

"Happy Birthday, (Y/N)-chan!" He said happily, holding out a box towards you. You looked down at the box in awe, taking it gently from his hands.

"Ah, you didn't have to..." You started, but Nagisa protested against your words.

"Of course I had to! You're my girlfriend after all..." He mumbled the last part, his cheeks flushed pink.

You slowly tore away the (F/C) wrapping paper, your smile widening when you saw that it was a big teddy bear. You hugged the blonde, who stuttered a "You're welcome" when you thanked him happily.'

You smiled at the teddy bear, and then noticed that that stitching wasn't perfect, nor were the buttons on correctly before you looked down at Nagisa's hands that were covered in plasters.

"Did you...make this perhaps?"

He let out a small laugh.

"Hehe, maybe..."

You hugged him again, and he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face into your neck, inhaling your sweet scent. He felt tired, exhausted actually. After all, he'd stayed up making that teddy bear for you.

You spent the whole day just with him, cuddling and watching a movie. He was like your own cuddly teddy bear, but he didn't want you to be alone, so he'd made you another for the special occasion. So whenever he's not there, you have the next best thing. Even though you already knew, you still hoped that his plan wasn't going to happen. That he'd change his mind.

You baked a cake together too, you'd had so much fun. You wiped a bit of frosting on his face and giggled, before you went to grab the knife from the drawer. He also went to grab it, but you'd got it first, panicking a little bit as you lifted it up and headed towards the cake. You looked up at him and faked a smile, which he returned, rubbing the back of his neck and laughing. It was fake, though.

As you say with Nagisa eating your cake, your teddy bear sat between the two of you before his phone began to ring.

After a few 'yeps' and 'okays', he sighed as he put his phone back into his pockets, trying to hide the fact that the call was fake.

"What's wrong, Nagisa?" You asked.

"Ah, there's an emergency at Haru-chan's house, I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan..."

You shake your head.
"It's fine, Nagisa. I'll wait for you."

He apologises again and heads towards the door, before you call his name and grab his arm, pressing your lips to his.

"I love you, Nagisa."

He stared at you in surprise before nodding.

"Me too, (Y/N)."

He leaves, and you stare at the now closed door, your fists tight.

"You didn't even say it, though'." You mumbled, putting your hand to your face and wiping away a falling tear.

You went into your room and placed the teddy bear on the bed, before pulling out his box from under your bed. You looked down at the photographs, all of you, crumpled or ripped. You moved a small journal to the side of the box and instead picked up the knife.

"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear

You were comforting and quiet

How did love become so violent?"

You sang quietly, putting the lid back onto the box and sliding it under the bed.

'Why did things have to be this way?' You thought to yourself sadly.

You sighed.

"Change of plans," you mumbled to yourself, your grip on the blade tightening.

You waited in the dark as the door opened, holding the knife close to your chest as his footsteps seemed to echo through your hallway.

"(Y/N)-chan?" Nagisa softly called out your name, his grip on his own knife tightening as he walked into your room.

You stayed silent as he walked closer to the bed, looking down to see something laid in it. It was hard to see though, in the pitch black darkness.

"(Y/N)..." He mumbled your name before he drove the knife into the figure, staring blankly into space as he did so.

Before his eyes widened as he felt the softness of fur and stuffing.


You sighed again, blood beginning to ooze from the wound you had just created after stabbing him. Then you stabbed him again, and again, before he fell onto your bed, his deep crimson blood staining the sheets before he began to slide down onto the floor beside you.

You wiped a tear that fell down your cheek, accidentally smearing his blood there in it's place as you picked up the teddy bear and held it close to you.

"Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear

Everything was so sweet

Until you tried to kill me."

[Ace's Note] WELL THEN


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