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Jack took me to a gigantic tree in the forest, and we sat on a branch talking about basically everything. He listened to me -- like really listened to what I said. He could point out any emotions I hid under my tone, and it amazed me how someone I just met knew me better than my best friend. Jack was intelligent; an intelligence that keeps you alive in my world.

"I guess you don't like your alpha, but he does sound like a jerk." His blonde hair flew everywher as the wind blew, and I nodded brushing the hair out of his eyes. He chuckled at me, and flicked my forehead softly.

"We could make our own society, you know? Where everyone is treated the same, and there is no one above anyone. Where peace rules over all, and nothing goes wrong." I looked in Jack's eye, and I saw a future. A future leader, but most of all, the future of a pure soul.

My head started to hurt, and I sighed pressing my fingers to my temple. "I have to go," I mumbled. He nodded with understanding, and I hopped out of the tree.

Nick sent out a mind link to the entire pack, and without the use of my wolf, and being demoted I couldn't hear what he said. It was all just painful ringing in my head, so let's hope this is important.

I got to the pack house, and I was immediately greeted by beta Jackson. "Where have you been, Brie." He demanded, and a surge of power went through me, but I ignored it.

"Out. Be a good boy now, and run back to the precious alpha." I said not another word as I swerved past him, and into the house. I walked up the stairs, and into my room slamming the door.

The pain in my head went away, and I sighed leaning against the wall in my room. My nails were growing out into an unusual sharp yellow color, and I took deep breaths. Without being able to use my wolf...

My wolf will start to use me.

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