It's Time

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I woke up with an empty feeling in my chest, and I stared up at my ceiling. The weight of my body seemed to get heavier as the seconds ticked by. It's my birthday, and the day where I actually feel the break of the mate bond. It wasn't painful, but draining -- the life force in my body seemed to be fading.

'Today is the day,' A gasp left my lips as I sat up like I came back from being under water for a long time. I looked around before calming down, and running a hand through my knotted hair.

I walked downstairs where I could hear the sounds of the pack. Everyone is going to school, but I never go to school on my birthday. Why would I want to endure that torture on the day I was I born? Alpha Jerk looked at me as soon as I walked in, and I sent him a hate filled glare. I could only slightly feel his pain, and I scoffed at it.

He has no idea what pain is, so he can shut that pitiful whining up. Kayla walked past me without a word, and my heart dropped. Did she not want to be my friend anymore?

She sat down next to Tara, and Tara smirked at me like she won a prize. My blood boiled to a point where I couldn't seize control of my wolf. I ran out of the house through the back door in the kitchen, and into the woods.

My nails grew out like yesterday, and I leaned against a tree as my teeth grew out. If this continues I'll break Buck's orders, but only alphas can do that. I fell to the floor as my body withered in pain.

'It's time my child, now shift,' my wolf barked orders at me like an alpha, but stronger.

My body finished it's transformation, and I was locked into the back of my mind. My wolf ran through the woods like she was looking for something, but what exactly? We ended up near the middle of the woods, and my wolf howled loudly.

The moon came back up, blocking the sun completely. It turned a light blue color, and I was mesmerized. What is this power that my wolf is conducting, and how did she get it?

"Hello Brie," I was given back my body suddenly, and I sat on the ground naked. A woman dressed in blue with flawless skin staring down at me.

"Hello, ma'am," I sat criss cross with my arms covering my chest. She smiled at me, and I was levitated into the air making my mouth fall to an 'O' shape.

"This is new," I mumbled.

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