Chapter 2

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Bella's point of view

After breakfast I went back upstairs to change (  so that we can head to the park when the others arrive. It is such a beautiful day today so what better way to spend it than at the park. While I was doing my makeup I heard the door open and someone walk in. I looked behind me and saw Tony just standing there looking at me. I smiled at him and went back to finish my makeup. When I was putting all of it back I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I finished putting everything back where it belongs, I turned around to face him in his arms still, I gave him a quick peck on his lips and went to put on my shoes.

"Do you a date for the wedding yet angel?" He asked

"Not an actual date yet...but I was thinking about maybe having the wedding sometime in spring, maybe around mid April" I told him

"Sounds good angel, whatever you want you shall get my love" He said

"Have you finished the report that is due tomorrow for work?" I asked him

"Yes, of course?" He said

I couldn't tell if he was lying or not so I decided to ask someone I trust

"JARVIS, has Tony finished the report that is due tomorrow" I asked him

"No Ms. Bella sir Tony has yet to finish his report" He said to me

I looked at Tony with a raised eyebrow while he was smiling sheepishly

"Tony" I said

"Yes" He answered while inching towards the door

"Why didn't you finish the report" I asked

"Because I was busy spending time with my lovely fianceé" He said with his hand on the door knob

"You are such a liar" I said to him

I chased him around the house for a while before I managed to jump on his back that caused him to fall on the couch face first

"You are going to stay here so that you can finish that report, the guys will stay here as well so that they will help you" I said

"What, why?" Said Clint

"Because I say so, and you all will stay here and help him, no if's, and's, or but's" I say

When they all started to mumble under their breath I knew I had won

"Now you boys stay here, while Nat and I go shopping" I said while getting off of Tony

"Alright angel have a good time, take your time in choosing things for the wedding" Tony said before giving me a quick peck on the lips

"Will do see you later guys" I told them while grabbing Nat's arm and dragging her with me

"So which one of the car's are we going to be taking?" Natasha asked me

"We are going to be taking your favorite car Nat" I told her

"Can I drive?" She asked knowing I would say yes

""Of course you can Nat don't you always drive it" I said to her

She laughed and ran to the car while I just took my time getting there

"Hurry up girl" Nat said to me

I just laughed and got into the passenger side of the car. Once I was inside and buckled up Nat speed off to the mall we always go to. Nat was going so fast that we made it to the mall in record time with her driving.

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