Chapter 6

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Bella's Point of view

"What do you mean sir?" I asked

Before I knew it I was tied up with something green and glowing. The man took off his long black trench coat along with his hat. That's when I got a better look at him.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get in here?" I asked him

"That my dear is for me to know and for you to never find out He said

I looked over to the group and saw them all tied up as well

"Let them go they didn't do anything, it's me that you came for" I said

"That's where you're wrong my dear you see they did do something. They watched therefore they are witnesses, and I can't have any of those" He said

Before he could do anything I remembered that Tony had installed JARVIS everywhere.

"JARVIS lockdown, code black" I practically screamed

The next thing that happened was that the lights darkened and I could hear everything lock along with the blinds lowering

"Now love what have you done?" He asks

"Wouldn't you like to know" I told him

What a code black does is that it locks and shuts down everything. It also sends a distress signal out to every avenger.

"Turn off whatever you have done love, I don't want to harm such a fair maiden"He said

"Let go of the group and maybe I'll consider turning it off" I said, He just started to laugh

"I'm not sure if you've noticed love, but you are in no position to be making commands. Now this is the last time I'll say this, turn off whatever it is you initiated!" He said angrily yelling in the end

Next thing I knew something was shot at him and he flew a good distance away from me. I looked around and saw Tony all suited up with the rest of the team behind him.

"It's about time you guys showed up" I told them

"Hey I was in a meeting" Ironman said

"Forgive us fair Izzy for the man of Iron was the one we were waiting for" Thor said

Before anyone else could say anything I was being lifted up off of the ground

"What's happening?" I asked

"You made me do this love, I didn't want to harm you but you've pushed me to far" He said

"PUT HER DOWN NOW!" Screamed Ironman

"Are you sure you want me to put her down Ironman" He said

What I hadn't noticed was that he had somehow opened up a window and was now holding me outside of the window.We were on the highest level and if he were to drop me....well I guess it's safe to say that I would die on impact, I could see the people on the ground stopping and staring at with fright clear in their eyes.

"Don't you dare drop her" Ironman said

"Oh but you wanted me to put her down just a few seconds ago" He said with a smirk

"How did you even get in here anyway" Black Widow asked

"Yeah this place has heavy security" Hawkeye mentioned

"Well lets just say I had some help from someone that work here" He said

"Who helped you in, everyone here would never let you in here" Ironman said

"Except me" A familiar feminine voice said

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