Buckle up Sam

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School went by so slow. I kept thinking about him and no not my amazing boyfriend Daniel. The him with the most beautiful forest green eyes that made me forget everything around me. The him that has a smile that makes the color in my cheeks rise. Ugh and his arms looked like they would hold on to someone forever with out a struggle.

Buzz buzz. I bite my lip hoping my parents didn't hear it before pulling my iPhone out of my hoodie pocket. It's probably a text from Daniel or Jayden. I turn my phone on and knit my eyebrows together. A different number that I never seen before text me and said Hey. I quickly texted back.

Me: Who is this? How did you get my number?

My phone buzzed again and it was the same number. I bite my lip a little looking around me before reading the text.

Person: Take a guess shouldn't be that hard haha

Buzz buzz. I roll my eyes getting annoyed with this person playing games.

Person: Oh and don't wear so much makeup tmrw aye? Haha

I instantly knew who it was. I felt the heat rise up in my cheeks before changing the persons contact name to Mr. Peyton.

Me: I wasn't blushing! And you never answered my question Mr. Peyton how did you get my number lol

I turned my phone off and closed my eyes trying to not think about how he got my number. He must have asked around so that means he talked about me!

"-then my boss said Jimmy you're fired have your office cleaned out by the end of the day." my dad says as he stuffed another french fry into his mouth.

Wait what? Did he just say fired? How the heck did he get fired!? I quickly snap my eyes open.

"What? Why would they fire you? You've been there for 15 years dad!" I raise my voice a little while looking back and forth from my dad to my mom.

"Your Dad just explained the whole thing to us. Maybe if you would've listened instead of being on that stupid phone all the time you would've known why he got fired." snaps my mom while rolling her eyes. My dad reaches across the table and attempts to hold her hand but she pulls away making my dad frown instantly.

"At least I don't push away the people who love me like you do to dad and everybody else! You always hurt dads feelings because you are to stubborn let him love you!! I don't see why he won't leave your ass for someone who will love him back!" I scream at my mom. She stands up and slaps me across the face not once not twice but three times. I grab my cheek to try and ease the pain. "And at least I can control my anger a hell of a lot better than you."

"Scarlett that's enough go to your room." My dad speaks up as he stands up pulling my mom away from me. I roll my eyes but do as I was told.

When I get upstairs to my room and slam my door shut and run my finger through my hair. She treats my dad like crap but he remains with her. Yea I get that he loves her but she doesn't deserve him at all. I walk over to my bed before laying down on it and cuddling a pillow.

Buzz buzz.

I sigh but pull my phone out of my pocket to revile 3 texts from Peyton, 1 from Daniel, and 2 from Andy.

Mr Peyton: You was so blushing Sam

Mr Peyton: I got your number from someone named Andy he said he knew you so yea haha

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