It's not what it looks like

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I look over at Peyton as he continues to drive down the creepy road. He just moved here I bet he doesn't even know where he is going. I mentally sigh thinking about everything that happened today and how I'm sitting in a car with a complete stranger going god knows where. I don't understand sometimes why I have to be me. Why can't I be someone else. Why can't I be someone that everyone loves? Why can't I be the perfect gorgeous skinny one? Why can't I have no acne like everyone else? I yank my hoodies sleeves down and look out the window trying to stop thinking about everything my stupid self thinks about.

"So...umm I hope I went down the right road. Like I have no idea where this place is at." Peyton says with all seriousness in his tone as he looked at the creepy road we've been going down for about 15mins.

"Peyton where are we even going?" I look over at him hoping he would answer me because if we are lost we need to turn around before we get even more lost and confused.

He sighs before responding "I was taking us to this party that I got invited to so we could steal some food and drinks then go to an abandoned parking lot to you know just chill and talk on the hood of my car." he bites his lip after he finishes his explanation. I smile a little feeling the heat in my cheek rise again. "And now you think I'm a big softy and I ruined the surprise." a soft chuckle escapes his lips as he shook his head.

I turn to look at him before smiling a little more. "Oh stop it you didn't ruin the surprise." I say as I stick my tongue out at him. He looks over at me and wiggles his eyebrows making little giggles pour from my lips. He laughs and places his hand on my knee making small circles on it sending chills through my body. I look down at his hand on my knee wondering if I should just leave it there or if I should move his hand.

"Hey look there it is!" Angel boy says excited as he takes his hand off my knee to point towards a big house with a lot of cars around it. I nod a little not feeling as excited as him. I've never really been the one for parties maybe cause I never really got invited to one. Peyton pulls up to the house and turns off the car before turning his attention towards me. "Come in with me Sam? Please??" I look over at him as he made a pouting face.

"Okay fine but I never been to a party like this before." I softly bite my lip and he chuckles a little while unbuckling his seat belt.

"Stay with me Sam. You'll be just fine." He replies as he climbs out of the car and walks around to my side opening the door. I quickly unbuckle and climb out as well. Peyton shuts the door and begins walking towards the house me following behind him. As we got closer I heard loud music that sounded like rap. I then hear humming coming from in front of me. I walk a little faster to look over at Peyton and sure enough he looks over at me and the humming stops. "I'm guessing you know this song Mr. Peyton?" I question trying not to laugh or smile.

"Hey don't judge! Mgk is beast!" He says defending himself as we walk up the stairs to the front door. The music is now much louder and I now hear people yelling and laughing. Peyton opens the door before grabbing my hand sending chills through my body. He pulls me in the house with him then shuts the door behind us. He leans towards me and yells in my ear "I'll go find the drinks and food don't get lost beautiful. I'll be right back." I nod in response as he makes he way through the crowd of people.

I look around seeing people making out with red cups in their hands and other people grinding on each other making me cringe. Then I saw stairs that led upstairs. Quickly I made my way towards them. Hopefully there are less people and it's not as loud. As I made my way up the stairs someone slaps my butt hard.

"Damn girl that ass is fine." says the person who slapped my butt. I turn around to see a boy with a smirk on his face and a red cup in his hand. His hair is long and black and his eyes are bluish greenish and full of lust. I roll my eyes then turn around continuing walking up the stairs. Guys are such pervs all they want is a girls body and nothing more.

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