Chapter 4- Who's him?

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  I woke up to my mom's voice from downstair, yelling at me to get ready for school. I look at the clock on my bedside. Tuesday, 8:00AM. OH SHIT. I have only 30 minutes to get ready. "I'm up. I'm up!" I yelled. I brushed my teeth and changed into a simple white T-shirt. Put in my skinny jeans. And put some books into my bag. And i'm ready to go. I look at my watch, 8:15am. 15 minutes left to get to school. Kevin and Ashley are already waiting for me. "C'mon man, we only have 15 minutes left"
"Yeah. Let's go" I said. "Mom, i'm going now!" I said. "take care, honey" my mom said before Kevin, Ashley and I ran to school.

  After about 5 to 7 minutes of running, we finally arrived at our school. my first class is English. Which is with Brendan. We ran in the school and breath heavily after that. Brendan was there, waiting for us. "Damn. I was gonna leave to class until you all came. What took you so long?" Brendan said, smiling at our tired faces . Ashley held her index finger up, later she'll explain. "Someone overslept" Ashley said sarcastically, after we all calmed down. "Yeah. It's me" I said. " Adam, we should go to our class before the dragon lady spits her fireballs at us" Brendan said, grimaced. I followed him to class. Unfortunately, we were outside of the class and the the bell rang loudly. And Miss Cone was there. " well, well. Look at what we have here. Late Mr?" as she looked at a paper that I guess was the names of the class. "Too late" Brendan Muttered with a worried look. "Get out of my class now!" She yelled at us and we quickly got out of the class without any hesitation. "Man... it's all my fault" I said feeling guilty. "no, it's not your fault." Brendan said trying to make me feel less guilty.

The bell rang. Maths class was next. I walked in the class, and took a seat, waiting for the teacher. I froze when I saw Vivian walked in the class. She looked around the classroom, Searching for a place to sit. Her eyes landed on the seat next to mine. She looked at me with a very scared face on. Her scared look disappeared as quickly as it came. She gave me a warm smile . My heart fluttered and pounded loudly against my chest. She was walking toward me. Sitting next to me. "Hey" My heart fluttered more. Even her voice was so sweet. "He-Hey"  I stuttered. "I'm glad you're okay" she said, Avoiding making eye contact. "Oh. Sorry" she said quickly. Closing her eyes shut hard as if she had done something wrong. "My name is Vivian Sparks." She said. Now looking directly in my eyes taking out her hands. I took her hands and gave a friendly shake-hand. Her hand was so soft. We exchanged warm smiles. And the teacher came in.

The class went by normally. The bell rang. A sign that we can get to our next class. I stood up. And was ready to go when Vivian's hand took mine. I forgot that she was still there. "Nice to meet you" with that said, she quickly got up and walked away. I was confused at her comment. Had we met before the incident happened? I jumped and snapped out of my thoughts when a hand from behind me tapped my shoulder. "Mr Jameson. You can go now" The teacher said from behind. I nodded and quickly went to my next class.

The next period was biology. I didn't noticed the class was over until a guy went in-front of me and said "hi. My name is Louis Carter. Wanna grab lunch together?". I was confused but quickly recovered my face with a smile and shake hands with him. "Okay" I said. "I am one of the guy that were in the same team as you in football". when i was with the jocks at the table, I didn't saw him. Maybe he went with his girlfriend or something. I just nodded as we went to the Cafeteria to eat lunch.

He sat in-front of me as he took his sand-witch out. "Adam! There you are. I thought you were-" a familiar voice called out to me. I turned to see an angry Ashley, staring at Louis.  "Why the hell is he here!" She yelled at Louis. Louis and I flinched a little when she yelled furiously at Louis. "He is the same team as me in football" I said rather afraid of her. "No. get up." Ashley commanded. I stay at my place. Not knowing what to do. Even though Ashley told me to get up, i'm still a bit confused. "Why?" asked. "Because this is the jerk who planed the accident with that guy Joshua" she explained loudly, catching others attention. I looked at Louis who hung his head low. I got up and followed Ashley to my locker. "Ashley" i said from behind Ashley. She turned to face me with a questioning eyebrows. "Maybe it's not his-" before i could even finish, Ashley cut me off by saying "shut up. I'll meet you at your house to tell you the story after school. It's getting late. I'm going to my next class. And you better go to your next class too, before you get punished by your teacher just like just now. Just don't get near that Louis guy" She said with a smile, yet worried look and brushed past me becoming another face of the crowd in the hallway that was piled up with people. I search my class and went in it.

All through class, i was thinking why would Ashley be so mad at Louis. There must be something more than my lost of memories. It must be a bigger problem.

Yeah yeah, i know this story took so long. And i'm sorry. I got exams. And two more days of exams. Yeah. so leave a comment.

And Vote for the next chapter y'all. Love ya

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