Chapter 1

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Laughing could be heard in the halls of a familiar building.

Simon and Lewis of the Yogscast were having a blast at this adventure map. They just finished recording, and decided to take a break.

"I think I'm going to get some tea." Lewis said, starting to take his headphones off.

"Okay. I think I'll just munch on some Jaffa's." Simon said, taking out said package. Lewis laughed and walked into the hallway.

Once he made the tea and poured it in a mug, he made his way back to his office. 

Lewis stopped when he noticed the glass doors of the building were open. He shut it, looking out into the streets. They were unusually abandoned today. Odd.

Lewis shrugged it off and turned the corner that leads to his office. He stopped once again, noticing an unfamiliar person staggering down the hall. Lewis couldn't identify what the man looked like, but he knew it wasn't anyone in Yogtowers.

Expecting nothing out of the ordinary, Lewis tapped the shoulder of the person. "Uh, excuse me? Are you lost?"

The man turned around, and Lewis knew that this wasn't just some random person.

The man's bottom jaw was torn off, leaving his tongue hanging there in blood. His left eye was gone, but the other eye was yellow and red. His skin was an unhealthy shade of grey and green, and some pieces of flesh was missing, showing bone. Grey, wet, wrinkly stuff oozed out of the man's skull, and Lewis assumed it was his brain. His clothes were all bloody and torn, and his ankle was twisted in an odd way. And yet, this man didn't seem to feel any pain.

Lewis froze in fear at the sight of the man's face. The eye focused on Lewis, and the thing came after him. Lewis screamed and dropped his tea as he fell to the floor. The thing fell on top of him, and seemed to try to bite him with his top jaw.

Meanwhile, Lewis' scream alerted the entire Yogscast building, and soon, Simon was beside him, trying to pry the thing off. The thing was easily taken off, and Simon flung it across the room, in front of a door. Said door swung open, and the edge hit the thing's exposed brain, killing it.

Hannah stood in the doorway, terror and shock plastered on her face. She took one look at the thing, screeched, and stepped on the other side of the hallway.

By then, Martyn, Paul, and Tom stood at their doorways that were also in that hall. They stared wide-eyed at the scene. 

"What the f*ck just happened?!" Paul asked, disbelief written on his face. They all turned to Lewis, who was still on the floor with blood on his clothes now.

"I-I don't know. I was walking back to my office, when I saw this guy, I thought he was lost, I got his attention, and then he tried to kill me!" Lewis said. Simon helped him up.

Hannah still stood with her mouth wide open. She couldn't help but remember all the walkers from her series 'The Walking Dead'.

Then, Duncan, Sam, Anya, and Alex(whose offices were in different areas of the building) ran in the hall.

"What happened?" Duncan asked, then took a look at the corpse. "What the f*ck?!"

"It attacked Lewis....." Simon trailed off.

"Should we call the police?" Tom said, after recovering from his shock.

Martyn nodded numbly. Paul mumbled a 'yeah'. Duncan, still a bit confused by the situation, just shrugged. Simon and Lewis nodded. Hannah only stood in shock, still.

Lewis got up, not caring about the blood on his shirt, and wrapped his arms around Hannah. She did the same.

Tom got out his phone, and dialed the police. However, after a few moments, his brows furrowed, and he looked at the phone.

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