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Now that nolen is finally out of jail is time to recover everything

Nani & Him drove to the hospital first ti check on Lucas the doctors sed his been doing movements & his been trying wake up hut something is telling him not too

"Thank you doc for everything" nolen sed

"Your welcome but dont thank me thank the girl thats been here helping Mr.Lucas out "

"Girl ?"

"Yeah idk her name but she told me she'll be back soon"

"Okay thanks for informing me"

Nolen P.O.V

I sat next to lucas & grabbed his hand

"Bro its me Nolen .. ik you cant really hear me right now but please bro you gotta get up .. please" i started to cry while holding his hand "please lucas .. your the only brother i got ... i promised mommy i wasnt going to loose yall & i did .. i lost chres .. dan dominick & now you ? .. please dont leave me please ... lucas please" i tried to stop crying but i couldnt i cried harder nani came to comfort me but i couldnt stop thats when someone openes the door

"Anyia ?!" Nani yelled

"Omg" she came to us & hugged both nani & i "i missed yall so much"

"When did you come back?" I asked

"2 weeks ago thanks to Eric"

"Mmmmm ..." nani sed

"Why wat happened?" Anyia asked

"Nothing im just glad you here & i see you carrying a lil someone" nani smiled

"My lil niece or nefu?" I asked


"Thata good" i sed

We all gathered around lucas.

"Bae please open your eyes" anyia cried "for us bae" she outted his hand on her belly

Lucas moved his finger

"See there you go bae .." anyi smiled

I smiled to see my brother trying to wake up brought joy to my day if only Chres & dominick were here but ik Chres watching over us & he got a bright future for us ahead

"Well anyia me & nani gotta go i wanna go see Pai & my niece & nefus before i go home " i sed

"Okay bye nolen is was good seeing you again incase ill call nani"

"Okays sis be careful & dont trust Eric that much"

"Okay gotchu"

Me & nani left the hospital we drove up to Pai's house

Pai's P.O.V

I was feeding Catalina & chres was burping the boys when i heard a knock on the door i took Catalina with me , i went down & opened the door

"Nolen! Nani! Omg its good to see yall bro i your finally out! " i sed to nani & nolen while letting them in as they sat on the couch

"Ik sis you went ghost on me" nolen sed

"Im sorry the kids & work" i sed hoping that chresanto dont come out

"Hey niece" nolen sed while grabbing catalina from me "damn you look just like chres.." he sed while his eyes water "i miss him so much, uncle is here & his going to take care of you, where the boys?"

"Here" chres sed while holding the boys & walking down the steps

Nani looked up & was shocked , Nolen looked at me

"Chres ..." nolen sed

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