Um, can I say that i never hear this? Even from my own mouth? Are you the same way? I mean like seriously, this is like a true story of hera and Hephestus. I get told I'm ugly, fat and stupid . . . practicly every day of my life. Boys are like, eww what is that thing? Is it alive, we should poke it to see if it's dead. But, you know what? If others can't see it, then they are the ones who don't deserve to be called beautiful. Even if we can't see it our selves, it's there. I think there is something or someone in our brains telling us, "Eww, get away from the mirror, your gonna crack it" Well, obviously some people don't hear it. They're all like, la-di-da-di-da!!!! I look fabulous! Sometimes I feel like i have to cover my face with make up, dye my hair, get new clothes. But I know that this does not define me, it may define my style, or how much money i have but never me. Because inside we are all beautiful, shining in the night like a star . . . Have you heard about how beautiful earth is from outer space??? It's like popular people. Yes, it may seem great from far away, but if you look close, you'll see all of it's cracks and flaws.
One more thing . . . because I want you all to feel great about yourselves, I will change my profile pic to a present pic of me. And please, go ahead, make fun of me, if it makes you feel better. i will understand, that;s why I'm doing this, to make you all feel like you have a chance in the world. Now go up and look at the dedication, it's true. And know that as unlikely as it seems, your are beautiful, on the inside and out.
-Rain Ingxx (I had this saved up, that's why I'm posting it, anywais, luv you all!)