Depression awaits

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Jack's Pov
It was Sunday the day of the funeral me I wore a black suit and my mom wore a black dress with black heels we were at home taking care of the finishing touches for the funeral once we were done my mom took the keys to the black Mercedes Benz and we went out she sat in the drivers sit and I sat in passenger she looked at me and smiled and said its going to be ok and I gave self reassuring smile back.

So went backed up from the big garage and started heading towards the memorial where the service would take place it was a long service and everyone cried so hard even me.

When it was time for me to do the eulogy I hadn't prepared anything I was totally unprepared so I just spoke from my heart and it turned out ok even if I was nervously sweating and shaking cause I wasn't much of a public speaker and I was kind of shy.

The long service went on and just when they started to lower the caskets into the ground I couldn't help but break down and started to cry and that's when I heard a scream and someone saying is that me it looked like I was the only one that heard it cause nobody moved or looked at their backs to find out who it was so I left it at that.

The service ended and it was time for the reception it was kinda nice I was still kinda sad mom tried to keep her composure through out the whole thing on the guests left she just broke down I couldn't bear to see her like that so I helped her to her room to sleep.

Then it was time for me to sleep but i couldn't I just couldn't then I thought music may help so I put on my headphones on and played my entire playlist by the 42nd song I was out.


When I woke up the next morning my mom was gone there was no one in the house when I went to the living room I saw a note on the table saying

To Jack:
I couldn't stay in the house too much memories I wouldn't be back for a while there is food in the fridge if you want to leave the house as well you can go to a hotel of choice I wont blame you.
Love Susan

Well when I read it I didn't know what to do might as well go to school.

A/n:I have a few questions
What voice do u think he keeps hearing?
Where did his mom go?
Well that's it leave comments and likes

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