Chapter 5

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*after school*

I got home and went straight to the kitchen, I got the leftover pizza from last night and a bottle of water and went up to my room. Only to find Michael in there on my bed.

"Why the fuck are you in here?" I asked bitterly, does he think he has the right to come in here?

"I was waiting for you beautiful" he says smirking, don't blush indi, don't fucking blush. Luckily I don't blush because km still wondering why he's here.

"Who said you can be in here? How did you even get in my house? Ashton's not home yet" I said confused and a bit creeped out.

He looked at me and I couldn't read the emotions, I swear I saw some sadness in his eyes, he looked down, "you don't remember do you...when we were friends and nearly dating you showed me how to climb in through your bedroom window so we could watch Netflix and cuddle" he said smiling at the thought.

I can't be mean to him after he sad that and smiling, so I just gave a small smile and put the pizza on my desk and took my converse off and put my jacket on the door, I grabbed the TV remote and turned in Netflix, completely forgetting mike was still here.

I looked at him, "do you wanna watch american horror story? I haven't seen freak show yet..." I asked awkwardly but seriously and he just laughed bitterly.

What the fuck?

"You think I wanna spend time with you? I was joking dumb ass, ashton invited me over and the door was locked and he's gonna be here soon. I know I spend time with the boys at your house but doesn't mean I need to spend time with you, you're just a waste if space in my life" he laughed and walked downstairs.

Wow, that hurt, that really hurt.


'Why the fuck did I just say that?! You want her back dumb ass!' My heart says

'What an I saying? I don't need her, I can have who ever I want' I hear from my head.

'But you want indi!' My heart tells me.

I don't know what I want anymore, I need food and alcahol. I went to the kitchen jut as ashton was coming up the drive and grabbed 4 beers, one for me, one for Luke, one for cal and one for ashton.

I opened the door and if wasn't ashton, it was indi's friend Charlotte, she's hot- shut up, she may be hot but you love Indi and Luke loves Charlotte, don't be a dick.

"Why are you here?" She asks confused as she let's herself in, and stands by the stairs ready to go up.

"Ashton told me and the boys to come over, that includes Luke" I said smirking and she goes bright red.

"R-really? Uh, I mean cool" she stutters and takes a beer from my hands and goes upstairs.

Now I can tease Luke about her.

* A few hours later and the boys are here*

Charlottes stayed with us since indi won't let her in her room and Luke's all shy and blushing all the time, it's kinda cute that he gets really shy around her.

"That's it, I'm breaking the damn door down" Charlotte says running upstairs, we hear a smash and a ear piercing scream.

"OMG INDI" we all run upstairs to see Indi laying on her floor with blood covered wrists and a full bottle of pills.

What did i do? This is all my fault...I told her she meant nothing to me, she believed me?

We all start tearing up, ashton and Charlotte more than the others but I tried not to let it all out.

She's gone, she's dea- wait. A full bottle of pulls, I picked the bottle up an it hadn't been opened. Thank god. I picked her up and carries her down stairs.

"The bottles full so she didn't overdose but she's loosing blood, we have to get her to a hospital quick" I shout.


*at the hospital, indi's in her hospital room*

I wake up in a place that's not my bedroom, white walls, curtains, and a hospital bed...what the hell happened?

My brother comes in with 3 boys and Charlotte. Who are those boys? The one with blonde/white hair is hot, my brother has hot friends.


She looked at me and smiles weakly.

"Um, why am I here? And who are you 3?" She asked obviously confused.


She's forgotten us, more


A/N ~ this is a kinda long but it took me about half an hour😂

- Charlie🐧

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