Chapter One: Everything Changes

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My world as I knew it crashed around me. My mother is my kidnapper and my father is my greatest witness. My siblings weren't actually related to me. I looked at the cop once more before asking, "If they're not my family, then who is?" She gave me a sad smile before pulling out a file and opening it for me to see a picture of a pretty nurse, a man in a suit and a teenage boy with my gentle brown eyes and dark brown hair.
"These are the McCalls. That's your mother and father. This is Scott, your twin brother. He is seventeen, goes to Beacon Hills High School. Plays lacrosse. A B average student." She told me, as I nodded my head. "What about my parents?" I asked as she looked at me slowly, before smiling sadly and saying, "They are divorced and Scott lives with the mother." I nodded before taking a deep breath. "They live on the other side of the country?" I asked, making sure I was correct. She nodded before standing up and saying, "Let's get you packed and sent to your real family."
I walked into the house that I called home, going to the room I called mine, quickly packing everything but my pictures before coming back downstairs as Officer Linda waited for me. "Okay, I just got off the phone with the sheriff of the town, Sheriff Stilinski. He will pick you up at the airport and take you to the McCalls' residents." She told me with a smile as she helped me get everything into the cop car, before taking off towards the airport.
My life is changing right before my eyes. I have to make a good impression on my new family. I can't smoke in front of them. I can't talk improper or rudely. I can't where my nose or multiple ear piercings and I definitely can't walk in with my leather pants, leather jacket, grey skull shirt and biker boots. I'll have to change at the airport.
We soon arrived and I told her, "Officer Linda, may I go change in the bathroom, before we go through the metal detectors?" I asked her as she nodded glancing at my black metal nose piercing. I rushed off into a bathroom with my clothes suitcase, leaving the rest with Officer Linda. I pulled out a grey and dark grey stripe sweater with one thick purple stripe. I shrugged as I dropped it on the ground before pulling out a pair a light washed shorts with some rips in the front. I quickly peeled off my outfit before pulling up the short over my long tan legs. Then the sweater. I pushed up the sleeves to my elbows and the rest was loose. I walked out of the stall with a pair of grey vans on my feet and a plastic bag in hand for my piercings.
Once I came out of the bathroom, Officer Linda handed me my ticket and dragged me over to the baggage claim. I placed my carry on's strap over my shoulder as I headed over to the metal detectors, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me over to a different area and told a man to just run his handheld metal detector over my body. He quickly did, nodded and gave an all clear. I was allowed on the plane early. I took my seat as Officer Linda gave one last smile and left.
I got up and went to the bathroom on the plane and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was down and frizzy. I quickly pulled it up into a dancer's bun before going back towards my seat. I pulled the copy file that Officer Linda gave me on my family. I opened it and pulled out the picture of Scott and my mother, Melissa. She was pretty and seemed sweet. I sighed, wishing this flight could go faster.
"Who's that?" A guy about my age asked from next to me, as I released more people were boarding the flight. "My mother. I guess." I told him with a shrug as I flipped back to Scott, trying to memorize his face. "You're a McCall?" He asked confused. "Yeah, I guess you could say that. But how did you know?" I asked him scared and shocked. "That's Scott, he's on my lacrosse team. I'm Danny, by the way." He told me before extending his hand. "Skyler, but according to this report, I'm Sally." I told him, jokingly. We both laughed as the belt alarm went off.
We both went silent before he turned toward me and said, "Scott is actually a great guy. You would really like him. I should know, we're good friends and he has saved my life a few times." I gave him a smile, finally taking in his features. He had kind brown eyes and nice short black hair. "That's great. You seem like a trustworthy guy. So, Danny, what brings you to Maine?" I asked him trying to make conversation with him. He gave me a smile before saying, "I was visiting some cousins. Now Sally, unless you prefer Skyler, why haven't you been living in Beacon Hills?" He asked, trying to be careful with his words. "It's a long story, I guess." He chuckled before saying, "We have this whole flight, hun. Take your time." I took a deep breath before starting, "Okay so, it started yesterday..."
I woke up screaming but no one came to help, like usual. I shakingly got out of before quickly changing to what Ken had laid out for me the night before, wincing when I noticed the cuts and bruises the my alpha gave me all over my body, hoping they'd heal soon. I looked at my reflection to find yellow glowing eyes looking back at me. I gripped the edge of my dresser, staring at my hands as I blinked trying to make it go away. When I looked back into the mirror, I was met with my brown eyes that make me look nothing like my uncaring family. "Skyler! Breakfast!" I heard Mom call but my body went rigid when I heard her say my full name, reminding me of Ken. Going downstairs I glanced into the kitchen to see my family all in the kitchen, laughing and talking. Mom had her golden locks tied up into a bun while Dad wore his down and simple. The twins sat, laughing at our parents and I knew they didn't care about the oddball in their house. I walked straight outside and climbed on to my motorcycle, the only good thing that came out of living here.
Speeding into the school parking lot, I began to feel nauseas as I pulled into a parking spot beside the rest of the pack's motorcycles. "Sky!" I heard Kat shout from behind me as I placed a forced smile on my lips to fit in with my so called friends. "Kat!" I shouted back as I felt her wrap her arms around me from behind as I finished placing my helmet in the side bag in trade for my backpack. "How are you doing? I literally haven't seen you in a week since Ken sent Jason and I on the scouting mission." Kat spoke while dragging me to the steps where Jason, Arden and Max sat, waiting for us. Mostly for Kat. "I've been good." I told her before taking a seat as Jason lit up a cigarette, handing it to Kat. "Want one?" Kat asked as I shook my head no while stating the lie, "I had one before I left this morning." I tapped a beat on the concrete as I waited for the bell to ring, zoning out of the conversation. I felt my body tense as I noticed the familiar black car pull up in front of us. Ken and his twin Jen slipped out, both smirking like they won the lottery. Or killed an innocent child and ate him for breakfast. "Skyler. Baby. Get up and give me a hug." Ken ordered, in a soft, menacing tone and I quickly did as told, stiff and uncomfortable. "Good girl." He whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek, hard and harshly. "Come to my place for a smoke tonight and that includes you, Skyler." Ken spoke to the pack as they all nodded, happily as I nodded, hating my life. Once the bell rang I was out of his arms and rushing into the school, just wanting to get away from them all.
That night, I snuck out of the house and headed to Ken's, late and knowing the punishment I was going to get, hating the family dinner that kept me from leaving sooner. I walked in to be pulled towards the basement by Ken, smelling his anger as I followed him, remembering all the other times her brought me down here, whether it was a full moon or for a punishment. I felt his hand connect harshly with my cheek, sending me to the floor. "You. Are. Worthless. Skyler." He snarled in between slaps before shoving me to the floor, my face aching but I already knew it wouldn't bruise. "Skyler. Get up." I slowly pushed myself back to my feet for him to knee me in the stomach, knocking me back to the ground. I heard him began to undo his belt when a banging came from the front door, making us both freeze. "Come on." He snarled, yanking me to my feet by my arm, his claws digging into my skin. He dragged me back up the steep steps to the first floor where the banging on the front door grew louder and louder. Ken yanked open the door to be met by a female police officer. "I'm Officer Linda and we have a warrant to search and cuff anyone on this residence." She snarled, her face hard with pure hatred towards Ken but her blue eyes softened when they landed on me. "Cuff them." She told another officer as Ken was yanked away from me. I was gently placed in handcuffs then asked to take a seat on the porch and wait for further instruction.
Soon the whole pack was cuffed and forced to sit on the porch, where we waited another hour till they found all the drugs and booze. I was gently placed in Officer Linda's car with Ken. I sat as far away from him as I could in the back seat and I knew Officer Linda noticed my oddness. Once at the station we went through normal arrest procedure and were placed in holding cells for the night, but my mind raced with ideas of when they asked for my name and the confusion I found on their faces. I laid in my cell bed as I waited for sleep to come.
"Skyler?" I heard a boy voice call and for some reason I was familiar with it. "Over here!" I called back, sitting on a rock bench in the woods. "You ready for our date?" A boy asked as he came out of the trees, his buzz cutted brown hair and soft brown eyes, so familiar but yet unknown. "Of course I am. I'm always ready to spend time with you, silly." I joked as he came to sit beside me, handing me a sandwich before we both started eating. "Dance with me?" He asked, a cute dorky smile dancing on his lips. "Of course. Do you even have to ask?" I asked, noticing how dark it has gotten. "Don't worry, Sky. The full moon is next week." He told me as he stood, holding out his hand for me to take when a black figure smashed him against the tree. "Skyler is mine." Ken snarled at the boy as I stared in fear, shouting and begging, "Ken! Please don't hurt him!" I heard Ken chuckle before I was splattered in a warm sticky liquid. I slowly opened my eyes to watch the boy fall to the ground, his throat ripped out.
I woke up screaming as I thrashed around, fear pulsing through my veins, my mind going to overdrive as tears leaked from my eyes for the boy I didn't even know. "Sky. You're okay." Officer Linda stated calmly as she opened my cell door. "I'm not worrying about me." I whispered as I picture the boy from my nightmare, the boy who I know remember from other dreams. "Okay but, Sky, come with me we need to talk about your family." She stated before helping me off the stiff bed as I nodded and followed her into a separate room to tell me the one thing that will shatter my world as I knew it...
"Umm... I believed. her and she took me back to the Mannings house and let me pack before bringing me to the airport and now, we're landing." I mumbled finishing my story without Danny interrupting. "One more thing Danny. Please don't tell anyone. I want a fresh start." I begged him as we both picked up our carry ons, handing the old lady her's. "I won't tell, Sky. If I can call you that." He tested and I nodded. "By the way, Sky, do you have a ride?" He asked me as we stepped off the plane. "Actually, I do. Officer Linda called the sheriff. He should be here to drop me off." I told him as we grabbed our luggage, when I saw a sign, saying, "Sally McCall. Skyler Mannings." I sighed, but waved good bye to Danny and made my way towards the sheriff.
"Sheriff Stilinski?" I asked as he turned toward me. He was older than I expected, but I smiled at him and held out my hand, saying, "I'm Skyler. Please, call me Sky." He smiled, placing down the sign, shaking my hand, grabbing two of my bags, leaving me with my carry on and one other bag. "Let's get going. Scott and Melissa are excited to meet you and so is my son, Stiles. He's best friends with Scott." He said and I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, for the ride. I really didn't want to take a cab." I explained as he placed my bags in the trunk of his sheriff car and took my other bags from me.
We sat in the car in silence, till he asked, "How was your flight?" I smiled and said, "It was good, I got to meet Danny, a friend of Scott's and learned some more about Scott." I told him honestly as he smiled, "Danny is a great guy. Very nice and very open with being gay." He said as I sighed slightly. The car was silent again for the rest of the ride to the McCall's house, my new home.

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