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Dylan sat next to her bed, her parents on the other side. Her mother couldn't look at her daughter, so she sobbed into her husband's chest. It's been four days now. Four whole days.

"W-Wake up," Dylan begged, squeezing his love's hand. "Come on, Trinity, please wake up. For Tyler. For Holland. For Thomas. For me."

The doctor stood in the doorway, heartbroken at the sight but pushed through the feeling and walked in.

Everyone turned and looked at him, and he felt his heart drop at their worried, upset expressions.

"Miss Rowenbliss will live," he started, relieved to receive smiles. "However, we've concluded that she hit her head hard. Please don't be surprised if she wakes up without her memories."

Dylan's heart tightened. This was his fault. If only he hadn't decided to check his phone while driving on a busy highway.

Dylan let go of Trinity's hand and walked out after kissing her forehead, driving home to an empty house.

Dylan went inside and grabbed the necessities; clothes, a map, and, lastly, a framed picture of Trinity. She owned one of him, which she kept in her purse at all times.

Dylan didn't need his phone charger; his stupid phone broke in the accident.

Dylan stuffed everything in a bag, then went to the kitchen and grabbed a few hundred dollars from the cookie jar and placed the money in his wallet.

Then he decided on taking a few cans of soda and some food for the way so he wouldn't have to stop for a while.

Before leaving, he made his rounds around his house, leaving behind minuscule differences to things that would direct someone to his whereabouts.

He hoped that someone would be the girl he loved with all his heart.

Dylan went back to his car and put everything in the backseat, then sat in his car, looking in the glove compartment. There it was, haunting him.

The little red box had survived the crash and the officials were able to pull it out and had given it to him, along with their condolences for his injured girlfriend.

Dylan closed the glove compartment and drove away, his eyes burning with tears wanting to be shed.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital, she had woken up. Finally, Trinity Rowenbliss was awake.

Just as the doctor had said, however, she had amnesia. It took a little to calm her down to explain who her parents were, and to explain to her who she was and what had happened.

"A car crash?" She echoed, and her mom nodded.

Suddenly, a knock at the door disrupted the shocked silence, and Thomas, Tyler, and Holland peeked into the room.

"Hey, Trin," Thomas said softly as they walked in, each holding a gift. "The doctor said to tell you who we were since you don't remember. I'm Thomas Brodie-Sangster, and I've been your neighbor since I moved here about twelve years ago."

"Thomas," she repeated, nodding, remembering his face and accent to match his name with.

"I'm Tyler Posey, and we've been friends for, what, four years now?" Tyler asked, and Thomas nodded.

"Tyler," Trinity repeated firmly, embedding it in her memory.

"And I'm Holland Roden; we've been friends since second grade," Holland tried with a sweet smile, and Trinity smiled back.

"Thomas, Tyler, and Holland," she said softly, looking at her three friends.

Then, she looked down at her hands, frowning.

"What's wrong?" Holland asked, placing herself in the chair next to the bed.

"I feel like something--no, someone--is missing," Trinity replied. "I can't remember his name, but he. . .he has the most inviting aura. Such sweet eyes, too, like chocolate! And his smile it's so. . .perfect. My heart's warming up just talking about him."

"Is this him?" Holland pulled a picture of Dylan out of her purse, the one that belonged to Trinity.

Trinity smiled as Holland handed it to her. She held it tightly, like, if she let go, it would disappear forever.

"Yes," Trinity whispered. "This is him. No one else has such a smile. What is. . .his name, though?"

"His name is Dylan," Tyler informed her. "Dylan O'Brien."

"Dylan," she echoed, looking at her parents with an expression usually worn by a six year old in Disney World. Her eyes went back to the picture, then to Tyler. "Tell me about him. Please."

"He's your boyfriend," Tyler started. "He loves you with all his heart, and, to be honest, you two were made for each other."

"He. . .loves me?" Trinity whispered, disbelief obvious in her voice.

"Yeah!" Thomas exclaimed. "Before you dated, you guys were good friends, and you told him about your ideal first date: Watching Big Fish with Wawa for dinner. He remembered and that was your first date."

"He talks about you all the time," Holland added. "He says how much he loves you to anyone who'll listen. He's yelled it from the top of buildings into the dead of night."

By this time, Trinity was in tears. She held the picture in her lap, a smile on her face as tears ran down her cheeks.

"When you're discharged, I bet you he'll be here for you," Tyler said.

"Okay," Trinity replied, her eyes glued to the picture. "I'll be waiting for him."

They all had no idea Dylan was gone, heading to Florida as they spoke, his mind clouded with guilt.

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