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Tyler had woken up and Thomas had finally gotten the chance to sleep, and Holland was still out like a light.

"So," Tyler said as we halted at a red light. "What story did Thomas tell ya?"

"The one where I first realized I liked Dylan," I replied.

"I still need to hear that one," he said. "Story for story exchange?"

I shrugged. "Why not. Okay, so, apparently, when I first realized I had a crush on Dylan, Thomas and I sat in my treehouse at two a.m. talking about it. However, I spent a half hour just describing his eyes since I didn't want to give a name straight up, but he knew."

"Ah, that's how that goes," Tyler said. "Alright, my story for you is your first kiss with Dylan: It was back in Freshman year, during a Football game; you were actually dating the quarterback, Gian Marcus, who, might I add, was a complete jerk. Anyways, our school was winning, and it was an intense last quarter. Gian made the winning touchdown and you were so excited you just, well, kissed Dylan. He was over the moon, even though he got beat up by Gian afterwards."

"Oh, god." I buried my face in my hands. "Poor Dyl."

"Dyl? You just said Dyl!" Tyler smiled widely. "You always called him Dyl, and none of us told you that. That's an improvement."

I laughed and crossed my arms over my chest. "I just thought it fit."

"Well, you thought right," Tyler praised, reaching over and patting my head like a little kid.

"What's up? What did she get right?" Holland asked drowsily, rubbing her eyes.

"She called him Dyl," Tyler said proudly, like announcing his little one said their first word. "I didn't tell her that she called him that until she said it; I told her about their first kiss at the Football game and Gian Marcus."

"Oh!" Holland clapped excitedly. "That's great! She's getting somewhat better!"

"Tell her another story while I think of one," Tyler said, and Holland tapped her chin.

"Okay, how about the story of their break-up?" Holland asked.

"Nah, keep it sweet," Tyler said.

"No, no, I don't want all fairy tales," I interjected. "Tell me, please."

"Well, you broke up with him because your parents had sent you to Maine for a few years to help your Aunt with your sick cousin, but, at that time, they had estimated you being there for a long, long time, and long distance wasn't your thing," Holland said. "Every day until you came back, Dylan wondered what he did wrong and why you left. He cried more than I've ever seen him cry ever in just a week."

I ran a hand through my hair. "I actually did that?"

Tyler nodded. "He didn't leave his room for days at a time."

I reached back and pulled my bag onto my lap, pulling the album out and setting it on my lap, flipping through the pages.

I stopped on one taken in a dark setting, and, through tons of makeup and odd clothing, I could recognize Dylan, myself, Tyler, Holland, and Thomas.

I pointed it out to Holland. "What's the story behind this?"

"Oh, Halloween. Two years ago," Holland said. "You were Belle and Dylan was the Beast from Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Even though we were Juniors, it was like we were seven again on Halloween. We got so much candy and we all got sick the next morning."

"Best Halloween ever," Tyler piped up, and Holland nodded her agreement.

"Sounds like it," I murmured, and Holland patted my shoulder. "It sucks, losing all these memories."

"I know, sweetie," Holland said softly. "But we're all here for you, and we'll do anything to help you get them back."

I wiped away tears subtly, not wanting them to see me cry. I've cried my fair share of tears already.

"Holland, ready to switch?" Tyler asked. "We should probably stop to get Sleeping Beauty back there something more to eat; chips and coffee doesn't really fill."

"I agree," I piped up. "Tyler, you run in quick and get Thomas some fruit or something. We can't waste anymore time."


"Tyler, please," I begged. "I don't want Dylan to move on to another state before I even get to see him."

Tyler sighed and parked the car outside a Target, then nodded. "I'll be right back."

He got out of the car and ran into the store, and, after waking Thomas up, Holland moved to the driver's seat.

Thomas stretched and yawned. "What did I miss?"

"Halloween," I replied, and Thomas checked his phone.

"I've been out that long?" He asked, and I laughed.

"No, I mean Holland told me the story of Halloween, Junior year," I said, correcting myself. "And, also, about Gian Marcus and the whole kiss with Dylan story."

"Ah, Gian Marcus, the biggest douchebag in the entire school," Thomas remarked. "I have no idea why you dated him."

"Can't tell you why, either," I said with a shrug.

The door to the van flew open, and Tyler jumped in, tossing a fruit parfait and a water bottle to Thomas, also handing a water bottle to Holland and I.

"Come on, drive, if we're in such a hurry," Tyler said, closing the door.

Holland pulled out and we were back on our quest to Florida to find Dylan.

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