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Two hours later, and still no taxi.

The car had died some time ago, leaving us to listen to the whizz of cars speeding by, leaving us behind without a second thought.

I've counted seven kids that stared at us while their parent drove past without even glancing our way.

I laid back on the grass that led to the woods. Holland was asleep, and Tyler was walking around, yelling at someone over the phone.

Thomas sat up and looked at me. "Something on your mind?"

"I want to hear another story," I remarked, looking at him. "Please?"

He laughed. "Alright. Let's see. . .how about the story of the time Dylan managed to beat up Gian?"

I grinned. "Go on. You've peaked my interest."

"Okay, so, after Gian had beaten up Dylan, you two split and you went for Dylan," Thomas said with a smile. "Anyway, at a party thrown by Holland, Gian had come to crash the party when he saw you and Dylan. Together. Let me say, Gian was pissed. He literally stormed over and shoved you to the ground, yelling at you, calling you names I would never repeat to a lady. Anyways, Dylan got so mad. He turned red-in-the-face-mad kind of mad. He jumped on Gian's back and punched at the guy's face until they both took a tumble over Holland's coffee table. Dylan ended up with a broken wrist that night, but Gian suffered a broken nose, ankle, and wrist. He never messed with you or Dylan ever again."

I smiled up at the sky, which was growing dark as it showed our first full day closing in.

"We're probably only gonna be waiting for another hour," Tyler said as he finished his phone call and plopped down next to Thomas.

"That's a relief," Thomas remarked, checking his phone. "I've got so many texts I don't want to answer to. Trinity, your parents were mad, now they're begging for you to come home."

"Did you tell them what we were doing?" I asked, and Thomas shook his head. "Give me the phone, I'll call them."

He handed over his phone and I pressed call when I found the contact Mrs.Rowenbliss.

It rang twice before she answered.

"Thomas?" Her voice was cracking, and I winced.

"No, Mom, it's me," I answered, and I heard her gasp.

"Lyle, it's Trinity!" Mom yelled, and I couldn't suppress a small smile.

"Bella, not now! I'm working!"

I laughed a little at my parents. "Mom, listen. I'm really sorry for running away, but, you see, I'm going to find Dylan. I need to find Dyl. He's the Beast to my Belle. He's my hero. I love him."

"You're remembering!" I could hear the tears in her voice. "Lyle, she's remembering!"


"Okay, sorry!" Mom called back. "I-I get it. You and Dylan have a very strong relationship, and you even remembered him when you woke up. I just wish you would have said goodbye. Where are you now?"

"Louisiana," I answered. "We kinda crashed the van."

"Oh, god! Are you kids alright?"

"Yeah, Mom, we're all fine," I answered. "A taxi is on it's way now. Holland's napping and Thomas and Tyler are awake with me."

"Well, tell them all I say hi, and tell Thomas his mother is worried sick."

"I will, Mom."

"I have to go," Mom said sadly. "Call me later, when you find Dylan."

"Will do. I love you, Mom." I pulled my knees to my chest.

"I love you, too. Be safer."

Then, she hung up. I handed Thomas his phone back, smiling a little.

"What did she say?" Tyler asked.

"Well, she says hi to all, and, to Thomas, your mother is worried sick," I informed, and they both nodded.

"We should probably get our stuff from the van," Tyler said. "The taxi should be here in about twenty minutes and we're gonna wanna go as fast as possible."

I nodded and got to my feet, heading to the van. I grabbed my bag and the album, also grabbing Holland's bag.

Once I sat back down, Tyler and Thomas went and grabbed their stuff, sitting back down with their bags in their laps.

"Can I hear a song?" I asked, tearing my eyes from the stars to look at Thomas. He pulled out his phone and opened YouTube.

"What song?" He asked Tyler, who shrugged.

"A Fall Out Boy song, like the concert," I suggested.

"Okay then, Uma Thurman it is," Thomas remarked, and, right after, an upbeat song began to play and I nodded along to the beat, my fingers drumming against the ground.

Tyler and Thomas sang along, and I knew I used to be able to, but the words escaped me, so I couldn't.

Once the song ended, I smiled.

"I see why I like this band," I said bluntly.

"Actually, their older songs peaked your interest," Tyler pointed out. "These newer songs are good, though, too."

"Yeah, they are." I tug the sweatshirt off and hold it in my lap, Dylan's scent slowly fading away, chipping a crack in my heart.

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