~Angel Boy~

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okay guys its me and im trying super hard to update most of my stories. To tell you the truth i never thought Bunny Boy would get a lot a people to like it and i still want to continue it at least for a while more but im having no such luck on how to continue but im working on it but i feel its not ready -__-

So since i dont want you guys to wait ima introduce a new couple called ANGEL BOY between a couple named Blake & Angel. Its like a spin off or some sort to keep u guys entertained while i work with Ken and Cam on their chapter. So i hope you guys like it. 

I deeply apologize and please forgive me!!! 

A picture of Angel >>>>>>

(If i dont have Bunny Boys next chapter up and i put Angel Boys chapter i'll show you Blake's pik. If i put BB  chapter up i'll put a picture of Cam. ) 

BTW---I posted the song that inspired me to make this chapter so i hope you listen :)



~Vote (i doubt it TT^TT )



~ENJOY!!!! (I HOPE!!!) 


He was much.. too pure!

Blake Waterman is a seventeen year old guy in trouble. No he didnt have a problem with the law. Nor did he get in trouble by his parents or even the teachers at his school. No he was in trouble because at this very moment his best friend who had the body and face of an eight year old boy was tempting the hell out of him!

Angel Cloude was the name of his best friend who was bended down right in front of him wearing super short shorts and a tight sleeveless shirt. He had pale supple thighs that looked soft enough to touch and run your fingers over with a slow motion. With that pale cream body of his it took all his restraint to see weather it tasted just like cream. 

" Aww i cant find the other game controller! I thought i did have it under the cabinet!" Complained Angel continuing to stick his butt in the air and search under a large heavy dresser, It was a Saturday afternoon and Angel had invited for Blake to come over and play some games and hang out for a while. He had no idea that what he would actually be doing is eye fucking his best friend. He had to look away before he got a nosebleed. 

" A-ah its okay really. We dont have to play video games you know." Blake said nervously. He looked back at Angel and saw him pouting his cute childlike cheeks puffing up, and his blue ocean eyes a little annoyed. His bright strawberry curled hair was ruffled his small body just kneeling on the floor while his large but somewhat overbearing personality took over. " Then what are we supposed to do? Its too hot to go outside right now and i dont wanna go to a public pool cuz i hate strangers swimming next to me." he complained and i noticed the glistening sweet that was shinning off his skin. 

That was true. The summer air was painful to be in and with Angel being a freak about private and personal space they couldnt go to a pool unless they actually knew the person who owned the pool. It didnt matter though because at this moment anywhere he went with Angel would make him feel like he was standing in the middle of the sun. 

" Do you want to go get some ice cream?" Blake insisted. just wanted to get out of the room and have a little space away from Angel. Angel stood and sat on the bed next to him leaning against him,the sweet smell of honeysuckle wafting towards him which made him even more nervous. Angel sighed. " Did you just here me? Its too hot. I dont wanna go outside."  

They stayed in silence for a few moments only the sound of a extremely loud heartbeat was ringing in his ears. Was that his heart that was thumping so loud or was that Angel's? He looked over at Angel who was starring at the soft brown carpet floor. Then before he could make a suggestion about the ice cream thing again he heard Angel say," Blake are you avoiding me?" 

Blake sat there stunned for a minute but then finally answered," No why?" Well that wasnt the whole truth. Lately for some strange reason Blake has been seeing Angel in a different way other than friends. He would dream about naughty things Angel would do that he would wake up with his pants stained. He would doze off in the middle of class just by smelling his best friend and he would look at Angel as more as a friend which he felt was like dirtying him. It made him super uncomfortable that he was feeling like this towards his friend that he didnt want Angel to find out. 

Angel looked at him with a are-you-kidding-me-look. " Well because this has been the first time in weeks that you came to hang out in my house. You never want to be alone with me and you always try not to look at me anymore, well not directly at least." 

Blake wanted to punch himself. He should have figured that Angel would notice sooner or later. Angel was lazy not stupid. 

" W-well i just had alot on my mind is all."Not totally all the truth but not a lie either. Angel frowned and stood up. " Cut the crap Blake! If you dont wanna hang out with me then just say so! If you dont wanna be alone with me then just tell me! Dont give me bullshit as to why you cant just give it to me straight!" he yelled out and he could see that tears were falling down his cheeks. That shocked him.

"Are you..crying?" Blake asked. Angel turned away to rub his eyes. " No im not you stupid jerk!" 

Blake felt so shitty. He sat there on his bed making the one person he really cared for cry and he himself didn't know the reason why he was making Angel cry. But Blake stood up and wrapped his arms around Angel just for once going with the flow of things. " W-what are you doing?" Angel demanded. Blake didn't answer his question but said instead," I'm sorry. I know Ive been acting weird but...right now I'm just not sure about..allot of things. Its been a weird few weeks. Im sorry if i made you feel lonely." he said. Blake could feel the warmth coming from Angel. It wasn't hot like it was outside but it was a nice warm feeling he didn't mind being surrounded by. 

Angel stood still for a minute but then slowly relaxed in Blake's arms. He grabbed onto Blake's arm and only moving his head looked up at Blake's face the tears still flowing, those beautiful ocean blue eyes looking a lost sea. Without thinking twice about it he leaned down and kissed both those eyes and wiped the tears away with his free hand.

' Being like this,' he thought, 'being like this isnt that bad...it actually feels....kinda nice....' he then traced his fingers down the childlike face of his best friend who just stood still. His finger ran down from his eyes.....to his cheek....across the small scar on his chin from a soccer accident they had when they were kids....to those plump cherry lips....What would it feel like to kiss those lips he wondered.

He leaned down wondering,' how would they taste like?' 

Then in that moment he pressed his mouth against Angel's those lips softer than he imagined. He pressed a little harder against him feeling the electrical spark that began when there lips had touched almost liking the pain. He wanted to get closer to feel that warmth, to feel that spark again. He gained permission by Angel to enter his mouth with and he moved his tongue against Angel's a small moan escaping him. 

Brought back to his senses he pushed himself away from angel  who dropped to the ground and who covered his mouth and looked at him with a strange wide-eyed expression. Blake covered his own mouth and looked away. 

" Uh..um i-i gotta go." he ran out of the room and into the blazing sun that awaited him. He was so stupid! He actually kissed him. His own best friend! Also the fact that he was male was strange enough as it but he wasnt troubled by it. He just felt that when it came to love it didnt matter what gender it-

Wait, he stopped himself. Did he actually think love? He stopped running but he was already in the front of his own house. He wanted to punch himself. Could the feelings he were feeling toward Angel be LOVE? Could love make him want to kiss his childhood best friend? Could love make him want to see his friend undress, and do naughty things when they were alone? Could love make him want to be by his side for every single waking moment of his life?

The answer: YES. Yes it could make him want to do those things. He collapsed on the floor just as Angel had done. He began to cry softly.

His love could have already destroyed their friendship and he hadnt even known it.  

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