-Day 2-

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Though I can't pinpoint 100% why, I end up going back. To that music room. At the same time. To see the kid in the same spot as before, playing just as he did yesterday. The piano still sounds like shit and he still looks far too into it.

I saunter into the room and clear my throat to capture his attention. The music abruptly comes to a halt, his head snaps up, and his face immediately brightens like the sun at the sight of me. It's sickening.

"You came," he says happily.

"Well," I mutter, "you're more interesting than any of the other disease ridden assholes here. So."

He eagerly pats the bench next to him, that disgusting smile never so much as faltering. Still, I sit.

"I understand that," he says. "Most people here are so grumpy. But I guess you can't blame them, practically being on death row and all." He chuckles hoarsely like the death in the air as thick as oxygen is some kind of joke. If it is, it's a sick joke.

"So why the hell aren't you grumpy? You're technically on 'death row', too," I scoff, hunching my shoulders a bit.

Eren shrugs nonchalantly. "I don't like to be a downer. Might as well enjoy the little time I have left. And that's why I'm glad you came."

I give him a disbelieving look. The light in his eyes isn't just for show as is the malice in my own. He's completely genuine in his words but I can understand his viewpoint, though it differs greatly from mine. There's always talk about spending your last days positively, to live as full as you can, and clearly Eren stands by that. I myself, however, remain bitter. I can't stand the fact that I'd been burdened with this godforsaken disease against my will, can't stand that I have done nothing wrong and fated to die before I'm ever really allowed to live.

"So," Eren pipes up, drawing me from my thoughts. "Shall we get started?"

"Sure," I murmur.

"Okay. So, the way my piano teacher started me out was by telling me about the different parts of the instrument and what does what...but I don't think we'll have time for all that...so I'll just tell you what the keys and petals do, yeah?" I nod. He proceeds with an explanation of the keys, showing me how the notes work as you move across the keyboard and the difference between white and black keys. He demonstrates the difference in the tone, although it's more difficult to tell because of the currently tone-deaf strings. He explains the petals and a general explanation of how each one is used, followed by demonstration.

Strangely, I find myself following along and trying to memorize the things he tells me. The whole thing is a lot more complex than expected, but I still pay attention. Perhaps I'm simply humoring him or perhaps I'm genuinely interested. I don't particularly care either way; the way I see it, this is something to do until my inevitable demise.

"So I was wondering," Eren says once he's decided that's enough for the day. I merely lift a brow in his direction questioningly. "What's condemned you to the life of an assisted living patient?"

I should've expected that question to pop up sooner or later but I know there isn't any sense avoiding it.

"AIDS," I tell him quietly.

Unsurprisingly, his hairless brow lifts in bewilderment. I can only imagine the assumptions running through his mind in the moment, but I'm used to it. With the kind of disease I've bore for so long, those kinds of assumptions can't be helped. Of course Eren is no different. He surprises me with one thing, though - he doesn't apologize as fifty percent of people do, and he doesn't seem disgusted like the other fifty percent. Instead, he utters a question.

"What's that like?"

"You mean...what's it like to have to down a handful of pills every day just to function somewhat normally? Or what's it like for your immune system to be completely shot, waiting to simply come down with the common cold that'll be your cause of death because your body has no means of fighting it off? Just dandy," I drawl sarcastically.

The Music Room - Ereri/Riren (SNK)Where stories live. Discover now