-Day 4-

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The video is a great cover of the song Eren plays in this chapter. Enjoy~!


The next morning starts out much like the first two - Eren sitting at the piano bench with myself joining him not long after he'd arrived. This time, however, he's gazing out the window rather than playing the piano. I make it a point to shuffle my feet so he hears me coming. He turns and I expect that thousand watt smile but am instead greeted by one just barely halfhearted on a tired face.

"Hey," I say.

"Morning," he murmurs and pats the seat next to him. When I sit is when his eyes finally light up, but it's still lackluster. I try not to let it get to me, the knowledge of why he's this way. I don't deny it, either. "Guess what?"


Instead of giving a verbal response, he reaches over to the keyboard, pauses for a second, and then his slender fingers are dancing gracefully over the keys. Naturally, I brace myself for the rickety, out of tune and off key notes I'd familiarized myself with in the past few days, but as Eren's expert fingers tap fluidly, I find there's no need. Finally the baby grand sounds like a normal piano with its strings properly stretched just right to give it its rightful sound. And, of course, as the hammers inside strike the strings, the music filling the air is melodious and practiced. I'm suddenly immersed in a whirlwind of notes and chords, the sounds filling my ears so much better than I imagined had Eren been granted a tuned piano to play. He's nothing short of amazing in his playing, his feet using the petals as his fingers strike the keys to produce a sound that reminds me of a spring rainstorm.

"They had it tuned," he states as his playing comes to an abrupt halt in the middle of the song. "So we can play for real now." His lips twitch into a smile as his eyes land on me. My stomach churns a bit - his smile is such a genuine, beautiful feat on such a sickly, tired face it makes my heart hurt. I feel this, but I don't let it show.

"Play me something, then," I say.

"What? Really?"

"Yes, really. I want to hear what you can really do."

And suddenly he's beaming. "You mean...other than...?" He gestures at the keys, indicating what he just played. I nod. I want to hear him play; I want to see the blissful face I first laid eyes on when I met him. I give him the best (although forced) encouraging half-smile I can muster. This seems to cause him to forget how tired and uncomfortable he must be from his illness. "Okay!" he enthuses. He turns his attention back to the piano, pondering a minute before he hums lightly and poises his fingers among the keys again. "Ready?"

I roll my eyes. "Just play, Eren," I mutter.

He chuckles before a moment of silence, and then his fingers are playing again. At first he doesn't seem as into it as he was before while he plays out the first riffs of whatever song it is. I don't recognize the tune, but I know it's not the same as the one I walked in on him playing three days ago despite the piano sounding normal. This one has a different feel to it; it's a little more on the lighter side but has an all new kind of heaviness to it that I can't particularly place. The words heartbreak and bittersweet come to mind.

Eren does get into it, though, and even more so than the first time. His eyes close as the notes carry harmoniously through the air and ever so slowly, he begins to lean with the notes. Although I still find it annoying, the fresh sound and knowing him makes a world of difference. He seems to feel the notes, not just play them. He doesn't lean much, isn't acting like the piano is part of himself, but the state of bliss remains. I find it difficult to decide where to watch. His hands? His face? Should I close my eyes, too? I never make the decision. I'm focused more on the sound and this strange thing bubbling up in my stomach, climbing up and nestling itself in my chest. I don't know what it is, but I know it's for Eren, because of Eren.

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