chapter #5

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Hey guys! Kendall here! I'd thought I'd write a chapter for you all!


Savannah's POV

Kendall and I were sitting on the couch, watching Doctor Who when Clint and Steve walked in.

"Hey dad," replied Kendall.

"Hey sweetheart," said Steve, giving her a kiss on the forehead and say next to her.

I just gave a smile my dad and he say next to me, giving me a small nudge.

"Good morning, Savannah," said Clint.

"Hey there."

"Whatcha watching?"

I look at the screen. "Doctor Who."

Kendall exclaims. "Oh my gosh it's so good! You guys have to join us!"

Clint looks at Steve and raises his eyebrows. "Sure!" They both say.

Tony walks in. "What's this?"

"Doctor who! Kendall and Savannah were gonna show us it," pronounced Steve.

He nodded. "Sounds cool can I join?"

We nodded as he grabbed the popcorn and started watching Season 2.

Before we knew it, Thor, Bruce, and Natasha were watching it with us.

"Hey dad, can you pass me the blanket, please?" asked Kendall as Steve handed her the blanket with a smile.

The whole day we watched the entire season 2 and when it came to Doomsday, Thor started to tear up including Tony too.

"I'll grab the tissues," groaned Natasha.

I could feel a tear coming too as the Doctor and Rose we're saying their goodbyes.

"Oh come on just tell her that you love her for Odinson's sake!" cried Thor as he wiped a tear.

"Hey you okay?" asked Clint.

I nodded. "Yeah. This part always gets me."

Clint then wrapped an arm around me and gave me a kiss on the forehead to comfort me. It's so nice to actually have a dad now to watch over me and protect me too.

Suddenly, every one groaned and gasped at the screen when the Doctor had vanished. Everyone was angry.

Tony was cursing. Natasha slammed her fist on the coffee table making a crack. Thor was fuming. Like literally fuming. Steve was shaking his head and complaining to Kendall about the Doctor. Clint stood up and walked away. And Bruce looked like he was about to turn into the Hulk any moment now.

I literally just laughed and everyone shut up.

"Why are you laughing at such a matter like this, Lady Savannah?" asked Thor, looking beet red.

"I'm just looking at you all and how you all are so angry!" I started laughing again and soon Kendall joined me.

We started to laugh our heads off and practically die of laughter until Thor threw his hammer at the tv. And it broke of course making everyone stop what they were doing.

"Well no more Doctor Who for a while now," stated Kendall.

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