Long day of boringness

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Carla P.O.V

I'm soo bored up here. So bored. Wendy is off with her boyfriend not talking to meee. Crystal is having life problems and looking after her children. I've been stuck in the job of pushing exceed eggs into random portals for people. With help of Sparky and Monsoon. I might go to Earthland and visit ️Fairy Tail.

3rd person

Carla jumps through portal number 284 and lands in Crocus. She thinks damn as she shapeshifts into a human girl and runs to the guild of Magnolia. She arrives at sundown and yawns, 'I'm finally here Minna..' And falls to the ground sleepily. A few minutes later Mira walks out of the guild and sees Carla trying to get up, Mira pulls her up and looks at her, 'CARLA YOU CAME BACK!' She yells not realising it is late out. Carla nods sleepily and Mira carries Carla home. She arrives at ️fairy hills and puts Carla in her old room that her and Wendy shared. She then goes to her own bed thinking, "I wonder where Wendy is?"
The birds tweet and the Squirrels scamper about the Autumn grass with leaf piles. Searching aimlessly for their breakfast.
Carla looks out of the window, and yawns. She stretches her arms and walks out of her room and to Fairy Tail. She gets a greeting of the guild jumping at her and yelling in happiness. "Hello everyone, how have you all been?" "CARLAAAAAA!!" MGets yelled from across the guild hall. Pantherlily appeared infront of her, he must of missed her. "Hello Lily, good to see you" she speaks calmly. "WHY DIDNT YOU COME BACK WITH CRYSTAL AND WENDY. WHYYYYYYYYY!" Yells Pantherlily. "I have had important business to fix up. It is nearly finished. Do you know where Wendy is? I haven't seen her around." Carla  says bluntly. "She went to the same guild as Crystal, did she not tell you? When was the last time you saw them?" Questions Lily. "A few years ago, why didn't they rejoin fairytail. I must have mistaken this place for somewhere else.. I will come back someday.. someday" Carla says before disappearing. 'Someday I will go back it will be all normal again.' Carla began humming a tune she heard in Crocus. 'Is it too late now to say sorry, cause I'm missing more than just your body, Is it t..." She falls bumped into a neko. " Heyo miss cat-chan I can't find my master." The little neko says " What is your name little one? I will help you find your owner." Carla speaks softly. "My name is Candice, but I get called Candy!" Candy giggles. "I am Carla, so Candy. Where are you trying to go?" "Uhhhh... Hmmmmm.. I thinkkk... Uhm I don't think I can remember..." Candy says. " I think I want to go to Enchanted Melody!" "Okay Candy lets go then!"

The two walk all the way to Enchanted Melody and see the guild is rather quiet. Carla walks into the guild and sees Crystal and Wendy sitting at a table talking. Candy and Carla walk over to say hello. "Hello from the other side!!!" Candy yells and Carla gives a small wave and hugs Wendy. "Candy! What were you doing wandering off on your own, Stephanie was going to have a fit." Crystal scolds. "Sorry Crystal-sama!" Candy squeaks and runs off. "Well Carla, portal work not for you?" Crystal sniggers. "Crystal, it was fine I just got bored of listening to Monsoon blab on about Earthland!" "CARLAAAAA YOU CAME TO US, YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" Wendy yells excited. "How are the kids?" Carla questions. "They are all fine! Layla and Shadow are like exact lookalikes of me and Rogue. Blaze and Dakota are like my golden children and Skye is just being herself honestly it is hard work. I have no clue how Rogue coped with it by himself!" Carla and Wendy both stifle a giggle. "Good to hear that they are all fine!" Carla says cheerfully.

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