Meeting 1D

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But it seemed that she recovered faster than me because she stopped one of the employers and he could tell us that….

One Direction was having a record signing today. He also told us that sadly one of the members, he didn’t tell us which one, were sick, but that they, as compassion would be giving out free copies of their new cd. We of course were thrilled to hear this and I quickly dragged Hailey into the line. I’m so glad that we bought some food because the lines were at least a kilometre, but we of course didn’t care. Oh, all the crazy things we humans do for the peoples, and bands, we love.

Half an hour later we were halfway there. I had already eaten up both my taco, my cake and half of Haileys food (A bowl of noodles). Don’t even ask me how we managed to bring everything with us, we just did. “So Hailey, who do you think is sick?” She turned to me with a grin and answered “I don’t know but I’m sure you would be devastated if it was Harry”. She had said the latter all too loudly for my taste and I elbowed her in the ribs. “Ouch, I was just kidding”. She managed to cough. “Yeah, but I’m not,” I said and continued a lot louder “because everyone know that you looove Niall”. She quickly clamped her arm over my mouth which, for the ones who don’t know it, really hurt.

The line was only about 30 feet long now and we were getting tired of waiting, or at least I was. Hailey was just standing there reading on her phone. Probably because she couldn’t see anything over the masses of people because she is only 5 feet give or take a couple of inches. But as we got closer at least I could spot them. I could only see Louis and Zayn from here so it was impossible to tell who was missing but at least we were only 15 feet away from them now.

Haileys POV

Stupid genes, why did I have to be so short. It's so annoying, I'm standing only 5 feet away from them but I still can't see them.  I guess Emily already spotted them because her eyes are as big as teacups. I wonder which one of them that is sick. I sincerely hope it's not Niall, even though I won't say it out load, but knowing my luck it probably is.

Finally the 6.5 foot long man in front of my moved and I found myself face to face with my idols. Well 4/5 of them. Sadly my number one favourite, Niall, was gone. But I sucked it up and continued being happy because it's still four gorgeous British boys in front of my, who wouldn't appreciate that? Emily went before me and grabbed a cd; I just followed her example and walked to Liam who was the first of them. He smiled and greeted me before he shook my hand and signed my cd. I then went over to Zayn who followed in a similar manner except for the fact that he kissed my hand instead of shaking it. I felt a blush coming onto my cheek but before he could see it I was pushed over to Louis by some other fans. 

"Hey love" He said and grinned at me, the stupid blush once again covering my cheeks. "So who am I signing this for?" "Hailey" I said smiling. I looked over to my right and saw Emily talking to Harry. I turned back to Louis and he gave me a hug and handed me my cd back. Once again I was pushed around by some fans and ended up hitting Emily in the side. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry" I exclaimed, but she just smiled at me and laughed it off- "Oh it's nothing to worry about, just get your cd signed and then we'll go eat at the Nandos shop at the other side of the mall. OK?" I smiled at her and nodded. Emily walked over to the benches near the big water fountain while I turned my attention to Harry. "Hey" I said feeling kind of brave. "Hey cutie" He replied smiling cheekily at me. I gave him my cd and he signed it and handed it back while giving me a peck at the cheek. I smiled at him and said goodbye before I walked over to Emily who looked like she was in shock.

A/N Thank you guys for reading and I got two questions for you:

1: Should I do one of those "5 things about me" after every chapter


2: How old do you guys think I am?


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