Chapter 4: Coincidental Meet and Greet

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Ashley drove down the road slowly and watched as the girl in the blue sweatshirt slowly stopped outside of a building. She walked inside.

Ashley parked in the front parking lot, which was rather empty, and looked up at the front sign. It read "Little Tiny Ice Cream Shop. Where the cost is little but the flavor isn't." "Okay then." Ashley got out of the car and walked inside. She had heard that people from her school went here and had drove past before but had never been inside.

The door to the ice cream shop jingled as Clara entered the ice cream shop. She sat down at one of those corner tables, the ones with two chairs. She stared at the empty chair across from her and frowned. It would be nice to have someone sitting in it but she knew that wouldn't happen so she waited for a moment before standing up. She looked around to make sure no one was watching her. She noticed someone was staring at her but she didn't seem particularly interested so Clara didn't mind.

Clara walked over to the Ice Cream Ice Burg (an ice cream bar) and took a waffle cone off the stack on the end of the bar. She plopped a double vanilla scoop on it, and without paying she sat back down and smiled to herself. She looked around and saw that another girl had gotten in line. It was the girl that had been watching her before. Now it was Clara's turn to do some watching.

Amber walked into Little Tiny Ice Cream Shop with a smile on her face. Her mom wasn't going to stop her from getting her favorite food in the world. Ha, she could try.

Amber walked up to the ice cream bar and noticed the girl in front of her in line. She froze. It was Ashley Ongeles. Oh no. Amber had never personally encountered Ashley and she had hoped she'd never have to. Ashley was scarier than Halloween and more threatening than the grim reaper. She scared people. Amber was scared. So she continued on like nothing happened. She hoped Ashley wouldn't notice her. Then Ashley turned around.

Ashley wondered what was wrong with the girl behind her. She looked like she was about to wet herself and when Ashley had turned around the girl had quickly turned the other way even though she had very clearly been staring at Ashley a moment before. "Hey." The girl slowly turned her head and faced her. "Yeah you."

"Me?" Amber frowned. She stood up a little straighter and tried to be confident. "What about me? Other than the fact that I am way cooler than you."

Ashley sighed. Oh. She's one of those girls. "You look familiar. Come sit over here." Ashley lead Amber over to a table in the corner. A corner that was deserted except for one girl. The one Ashley had been wondering about earlier but neither Ashley nor Amber noticed her now.

"So who are you?" Ashley asked.

"You haven't met me, than you clearly don't go to our school." Amber said smugly as she leaned back in her chair.

"Okay. I was trying to be nice and stupid but that didn't work. I know exactly who you are." Ashley frowned at Amber.

"Good. So you've heard of me."

"I was hoping you could tell me who that is." Ashley covered her hand with her menu and pointed at the girl who was sitting in the corner.

"I dunno."

"I thought you knew everyone!" Ashley shouted, frustrated that even the most popular girl in school didn't know this girl.

"Wait. She's in my math class, but I don't know her name."


"Just go ask her, like this." Amber got up and walked over to the girl in the corner.

Clara looked up at the girl towering over her. She hoped this woman didn't work for this place. She might have to run. "What do you want." She said casually, she didn't really care what this girl wanted.

"I just want to know your name. Well, I don't want to know, my friend does." Amber pointed to Ashley who was sitting in the chair facepalming.

Clara debated whether to say her real name or not. She ended up going with "Sophie."

"Okay. Bye Sophie!" Amber smiled and walked back to her seat where Ashley was glaring at her.

"Wow. I knew you were stupid but I didn't realize you could be that dumb." Ashley frowned.

"She looks lonely." Amber ignored the insult.

"And weak. If she does anything bad I can take her down." Ashley said.

"C'mon." Amber stood up again and walked up to "Sophie".

"Hey. I noticed you looked pretty lonely. You know I could get you some friends. Oh, and that girl over there. She offered to be your bodyguard." Ashley wasn't paying attention.

"Why do you think I need friends?" Clara frowned. She didn't need anyone. They could tell the police.

"You know everyone needs someone to lean on." Amber smiled. She had a way of making people do what she wanted. Everyone but her parents.

"That's dumb." Clara frowned even more.

"I don't do cliches." Ashley walked over to the group and frowned at Amber's very cliche saying.

"But it's true."

Everyone stared at Amber. It was true and they, out of anyone, would know.

"Hmph." Ashley continued to frowned and Clara sighed.

"I gotta go. How bout you never talk to me again." Clara stood up from her seat with her melted ice cream and walked out the door.

"Well that went well." Amber sighed and sat down. "What am I kidding? No it didn't!"

Ashley frowned. "Don't worry. I didn't really need her name anyways." Except for the fact that she could have been my one and only friend.

As if reading her mind Amber said, "At least we're friends now."

"Wait what?" Ashley wheeled on her. "You honestly think that I want to be friends with the most popular girl in school! I've had enough experience with your type to know that I will never trust another one of you again!"

Ashley sprinted out of the ice cream shop and got into her car. She sped away down the street not really caring where she was going as long as she was getting far away Amber May and the people like her.

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