Chapter 6: The Worst Presentation Ever

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"For our first project we're going to be doing a getting -to-know-you type project." Ms Lapis said, cue the groans from all of the students.

"But we already know each other!" Miles, an annoyingly loud boy, said loudly.

"Yes, Miles. I know you all know each other but I want to make sure I know you." Ms. Lapis frowned a little. "I could assign you with your worst enemy because I think you're friends..."

"Well... It's better than doing actual work." Miles sighed.

"Good. Let's get to work. So basically you have to make a poster about each person in your group, what they like, who they are, their hobbies, interests, etc." Ms. Lapis smiled. "Get to work."

"Great. Just great." Clara frowned and sighed. "There's nothing to say about me."

"I've got lots to say." Amber smiled as she pulled out a piece of paper and started sketching a drawing of her poster plan. "My name is Amber, I'm sixteen-

Amber was interrupted by Ms. Lapis saying, "And don't forget to include your family and friends!"

All three girls paled.

"Family?" Clara and Amber said.

"Friends!" Ashley sounded very annoyed, hoping she could skip that one.

"How are we going to do this?" All three sighed.


"And, done!" Amber smiled and wiped the glue off of her fingers. "I'm finished." She looked around at her group.

"I'm not." Clara glared up at Amber from her spot on the floor. Her poster was mostly empty besides where she neatly wrote her name, age, and a few other randomly scribbled notes. "But this is all I can think of, so I'm going to present this."

"I'm done." Ashley had a blank, black sheet with her name on the top in her messy handwriting. She had a plan to get out of this stupid project.

"You guys can't turn those in! Where's the rest of your information?" Amber frowned as she plopped a bright, flower-shaped sticker on Ashley's black sheet. Ugh. Ashley groaned.

Ashley rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yo teacher! Are we presenting or what?"

Ms. Lapis blinked. "Um. Yeah, sure! Let's present guys!" The rest of the class started rushing and worrying and panicking. "First up is the trio over there." Ms. Lapis pointed in the group's direction.

Amber smiled and looked at the class. Clara tried to hide behind the other two; and Ashley frowned and glared in Ms. Lapis's direction.

"Which one of you wants to go first?"

"Me!" Amber jumped up to the front with her brightly colored poster and big smile. "Hi. I'm Amber May. I'm sixteen and I like the color blue, pancakes, and hanging out with my friends." She pointed at the pictures she had printed from off of the school computers as she talked.

Ashley glared at Amber from the back of the room. I still can't believe I'm stuck with the most popular girl in class. Ashley thought. She would easily lose her "bad girl" look from hanging out with popular girls but maybe she would make friends. No, no friends from those girls. I made a promise that I would never trust them again. Not after last time.

"What about some other things like hobbies and family?" Ms. Lapis had a sheet in front of her, obviously taking notes.

"Oh." Amber paled a bit at the mention of her family but quickly recomposed herself. "I love to dance, sing, paint, and write." She walked to the back before the teacher could ask any more questions.

"Okay. Good job, Amber." Ms. Lapis looked at the other two in the group. "Next up is Ashley."

"Ugh." Ashley groaned loudly as she walked to the front, making sure to flick off the sticker from Amber on the way up. She turned to the class and rolled her eyes. "I'm Ashley. Just Ashley." She dropped the poster and started to walk to the back when Ms. Lapis stopped her.

"You're not done yet. What about friends, family, hobbies?"

Ashley spun around. Oh, so she thinks she can be smart with me. "Got none, don't need one, don't do much." She smirked a little as she spun back around.


"January 19, 2000." Simple.

"Favorite color?"

"Don't got one, wait, it's black." Even easier.


"Got none." Might as well take a nap.

Ms. Lapis continued to fire off questions to which Ashley responded to just as fast.

"And scene." Ms. Lapis grinned as the class clapped and Ashley gave her an even more menacing glare. This lady was really getting on her nerves. "And lastly is Clara."

Clara silently walked up to the front, getting curious glances from the other students who were wondering who this new girl was. "Hi. I'm Clara. I'm sixteen, my birthday is March 4, and my favorite color is purple. Can I be done now?"

Ms. Lapis looked Clara up and down before sighing. "Yeah. Sure."

"Good." Clara ran to the back, attempting to hide from the stares that followed her back.

"Let's continue on with our next group, Ian and Jimmy." Two boys walked to the front and Clara's eyes widened at the sight of the taller one with the dark hair.

"I'm Ian and-" Ashley tuned out the boy's chatter and focused on her group. Clara was really intent on watching Ian's presentation which made Ashley mad. She dated him for a long time before one day when he broke up with her for no reason at all. She had never forgave him and didn't plan on it anytime soon. Meanwhile, Amber was leaned against the back wall, watching around the room randomly, probably judging everyone.

"Okay, thank you guys. We'll continue this tomorrow!" The bell rang as the students left the classroom and Ms. Lapis made some announcements for the next day.

"Good. It's over." Ashley walked out of the room easily, the other students skirted around to avoid her. Maybe I can just skip that class for the rest of the year...

A/n: I need some more background characters (teachers, students, etc.) so if you've got an original character you want to be in the book then either comment their personality, looks, relationships, family, etc. below or message it to me. I'll give you rights to the character...


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