Chapter 7: Stop fighting!

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Vic woke me up because we were already at my house. We got out of the car and walked to the door, I quietly opened it and we walked into a dark house. We tip-toed up the stairs and into my room, I turned the light on after he closed the door. 

"Okay, I guess you'll have to sleep with me since I don't want you to get caught sleeping on the couch." I whispered to him.

"I know." He got into my bed.

"Hey....I want the wall..."

He sighed, quietly. "Fine." He scooted over.

"I'm gonna laugh if Kellin's not here. We're being quiet for nothing." 

"Yeah, that would be funny." 

"I'll go check." I slowly went out of my room and truned the light off because I didn't want to wake up Kellin, if he was here. I opened his door and looked all around his room. I couldn't really see anything because it was too dark. So I tip-toed to his bed and softly felt around for him. He wasn't there. Maybe he was gone. I turned on the light and he wasn't even in the room. "He's not here!" I yelled. No answer. "Vic?" I walked to my room and I saw Kellin standing there glaring at Vic, who was staring at the floor. "What's going on?"

"Why the fuck is he here? In the middle of the night too!" Kellin yelled.

" got really late and he needed somewhere to sleep."

"Don't even start with me Kali." Then he turned to Vic, who was still sitting there, looking at the ground, quietly. "You." He pionted "Get out. Now." He said sternly and pointed at the door.

"Kellin, stop!" 

"No! This is my house! You follow my rules!"

"Not anymore. You're not my father! And you never will be, so stop trying to act like it!"

"Guys..I'll just go. I'm sorry for being here." 

"No! You stay. Kellin, I'm leaving. I'm going to live with Vic, and you can't stop me." I started to pack my stuff. Kellin grabed my arm and I yanked it back and continued packing. I heard a door slam. I assumed it was Kellin going into his room.

"Are you really living with me?" Vic asked in a soft voice.

"I'm not sure. I think I just said that to get him pissed off even more."

" can if you really want. Since it looks like you don't really have much places to go."

"Yeah..I guess I could. But I do want to get my own place so...maybe I could stay there a fre weeks?"

"Yeah...unless you like it there. You could stay."

"True. Help me will ya?" I asked. He helped me pack everything I needed for the night. I'd get the rest of my stuff in the morning. We get my bag in the car and I got in the front seat. 

"You're gonna have so much fun at my house!" 

"Really? How so?"

" had fun today right?"

"Hell yeah I did."

"Well then you're gonna have fun a lot because Andy and Ashley come over all the time."

"Ohh wow...heh." I wasn't in the mood for a good feeling right now. I just wanted to get to bed.

"Ohh..and your friend, Josh...well he's probably going to be coming over a lot more now becasue of Andy and Ashley."

"Oh. That's great."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing...I'm just really tired right now."

"Okay. You can sleep now and I'll just carry you inside."

"Thanks." I kissed his cheek and laid back down. I fell asleep instantly.

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