Chapter 8: Coming home

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I woke up and I was in a different room than I was expecting. I guess last night's events weren't part of a dream. I looked around and I was alone, so I when into the bathroom. When I came out I smelt...bacon? YAY!! Breakfast! I ran to the kitchen.

"Is that bacon I smell?" I said to Vic who was obviosly the one cooking.

"Why yes it is. Good morning beutiful." And he kissed my nose. We haven't had our "first kiss" yet. Why do people get so worked up about that anyway? Its not like kissing controls your life. 

"So what are we going to do today? Other than finishing my packing." I said stealing a piece of bacon and sitting down.

"Um, about that, I think you should just make up with your brother. I mean, its way to early for you to move in with me and lets face it, you have no where else to go." 

"What? You got to be kidding me." 

"Think about it Kali. We just started dating and I don't want you to live too far from me, so maybe you shoudl just go back with your brother."

"I can't fucking believe this." I ran back the the room and packed all the stuff I already took out. Fuck this.

"Kali, don't you see?" 

"Just leave me alone. I'll do as you wish and go back to my brother but we're over." What am I thinking? Why did I jsut say that.

"Okay." He just stood there and watched me. Then I called Kellin and he was on his way. While I was waiting for him to pick me up I waited outside instead of being around Vic. I saw him pull up and I jumped into the car and he drove really quickly away. It was like he didn't even stop I just jumped in and he kept driving. It was silent most of the ride so I decided to speak up. 

"I-I...I'm sorry."

"Its okay. Just don't ever leave me again. I'm actually glad that you left him. He wasn't good for you." 

"He didn't treat me badly though. You guys just had beef. And what started it. You guys were like bestfriends at the beginning."

"Yeah, we were, but things change. We changed."

"What does that mean?"

"I can't tell you. There's no point in explaining everything because its over."

"Okay. You know I'm just going to ask you later right?"

"Yeah I know. But I don't care, I just don't feel like explaining right now, and I'm pretty sure that future me wont be up to it eather." 

I sighed. "You are such a pain. Why are you so difficult?" 

"Because I'm your brother. That's my job." 

"Ughh..I hate it when you say that." 

"Well its the truth." 

We got home and I went up to my room. I felt like taking a shower so I did. It took me almost an hour to take one because I just felt like being lazy, plus I didn't want to bother Kellin today. He seemed really off. I really don't know why. I got out of the shower and went strait to my room. I got dressed and then I noticed I had a lot of texts and voicmails from Josh. I decided to call because I didn't want to text him back and I wanted to clean up my room a bit. 

"Kali!! What happened?! You guys only went out for like a day!" 

"I know..its just that..I don't know I was mad because he didn't want me to live with him when I got in a fight with Kellin. I guess I overreacted."

"Well tell him that. You need to be together!" 

"I don't know though....Kellin seems a bit off today and he said he was really happy that we broke up."

"He's jelly!!"

"What? Why would he be jelous?"

"Well..with my experience in being gay, I always know when guys are jelly and you mam' your brother is gay for Vic."

"What!? That's crazy! He's always been attracted to girls! I've known him all my life, the same with you, I should know the differences between a gay guy and a straight guy."

"Well maybe he just now started being gay. I'm not for sure so I'll have to come over and see."

"Okay, maybe some other time though because I really want to be by myself tonight."

"That's okay. I'm going out with Andy and Ashley anyway."

"Awww...still don't know who to pick?"

"Not really heh..they're both sooo awesome!!"

"I know! Well I'll let you go! Byee love you!"

"Love you too Kali." Then I decided to take a was a little too early for me to be up. My normal time was around noon anyway. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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