Day 2

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Enjoy chapter 2 of Vision's Chronicle!

Day Two

Time: 9:36

Location: Stark Tower/My bedroom


Time is life's greatest gift. Time is impossible to gain but is the easiest thing to lose. Time is something I truly never paid mind to. The day of my birth, the day I rose from the cradle, was the day my life began. Although I may have had mature programing and total Internet access, I was and technically a newborn. The situation is my time on this beautiful blue and green orb is unlimited. Time is never my concern because I, unless murdered, can not die. Being murdered is almost impossible for me. I am not trying to be conceded but I am the only one on the team who has not be injured in battle. Unfortunately the others have.

I remember that day.

The day I felt my life stood still. She laid there seemingly paralyzed. All I felt in that moment was

And there was nothing I could do.

It was approximately 3 weeks after we hugged, when Wanda became my...friend. We were on a
mission together. Captain Rogers insisted that we were capable of escorting the Vise President in Germany for a Peace Corps meeting or something of the sorts. The plane ride there was quite an entertaining event for the both of us

"Wanda, is this your first time in a plane?"

"No of course no! I rode in the Quinjet many times."

"Then why do you seem so nervous?"

"Uhh...we are on a plane with the Vice President of the United States of America! Such a honor!"

"Wanda, we both know you couldn't care less about America's government or its Vice President."

She makes a defeated huff and slouches in her seat and all I can do is smile in enjoyment

"We are soon approaching Berlin, Germa-"

And like that we were hit

Fortunately, our unknown enemy hit the far rear of the plane.

"Get the Vice President!"

"Wanda what abou- "

"Get the damn man I'll protect myself!"

The following 2 minutes were a blur

We are plummeting toward the capital of Germany on fire and I am thinking of a solution to save all these people.

"I need everyone to remain calm an- "

And then it hit me

"I need everyone to grab the hand of the person next to you! Please!"

"Are you crazy? Listen Barney, we don't have time for a prayer circle!"

"As much as that sounds like a great idea, you need to trust me, alright? Scarlet Witch and I are the only hope any of you have so you must listen to me! Now hold hands!

They held hands immediately as I took the Vice President's, who stood in the center of the semicircle, left hand and the Secret Service Man's right hand.

"Scarlet Witch!?"

She did not answer. I knew what our mission was but I could not leave her nevertheless!


I still can not believe I said that

And with that we jump out, as I awkwardly attempt to fly and stir 5 people on each arm

and worried sick about Wanda.

As one cue, the plane, well what was left of it, was covered in a red misty shield and slowed down but it was too late. The impact would be very minimal,but still cause damage to the plane and anyone in it, like Wanda!

"Move out the way! Now! Move move!"

Every night since that day, I relive that moment when that plane crashed. When the asphalt under it was wrecked. When I was, for the first time in my life, in complete and utter terror.

The smoke settled to reveal a chaotic mess and still no sign of her

Without a seconds hesitation, for the police have arrived and was protecting the Vise President and everyone else, I flew in and phased through the wreckage and found her

She laid there seemingly paralyzed untouched in a convenient area that had not caved in.

"Wanda? Wanda, please. Wake up!"

Still no response. I carefully lifted her to my chest like I did at Sokovia.

There was no way out, without phasing out myself, so as carefully as possible, using the mind stone and it's powerful laser, I slowly made a circle large enough for Wanda and I can make it through. Using my back as a way to push up all that metal circles I just made, I flew up and out of that death hole.

That story stings. In a place deep inside of my mind that no matter how many times I tell myself "She survived. She is ok. Wanda is currently sleeping peacefully and calmly in her bed. That
after getting out of that plane, she was treated at the local hospital, and that you sat by her bedside and on the plane ride back to America", I still can not help but feel that dread I felt back at Germany.

Now, I could be the one that causes her pain. I must pretend to fight against her and the Captain's team and be as convincing as possible but I know that when the situation arises that I will not hurt her. The feelings, that I still can not explain, I had for her in Germany are no match for the ones that I currently have for her. I know the feeling is mutually. She eventually told me why she was nervous on that plane ride. She told me about four months after it happened, which was about a month ago from today.

"You remember that day in Germany. That plane ride how I acted very strange and nervous? Well...well it was due to the fact that that was our first mission together...alone. I was nervous
because even back then I was already starting to have feelings for you. I know it is such a silly and childish thing to say- "

"No it is not. Emotions are one things that I can not understand but I unexplainably can feel them. I felt that way aswell. Like you said, even then I had feelings for you too."

Such a wonderful memory to relive in such an unsettling time. For possibly soon enough, these memories will be all I have left of the people I care for.

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