We're going to try something new today How does that make you feel?

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Sneak peak.~

I lit up my cigarette and leaned on the railing of my balcony. I inhaled the Sweet poison and let it fill me. I don't really smoke but cold weather was an exception. I sat down on a chair that was on my balcony and blew out the smoke. I spent a lot of time on my balcony. It was the most decent place out of my one bedroom shitty apartment. I mean it was all I could afford. I dropped out of college it just wasn't my thing. I wanted to be an artist but it wasn't a real career , Well according to my parents. They sent me to Law school to be a successful Lawyer. I don't know why I let them. Oh yeah because I didn't have a choice. Since they never listened to me. My opinion never mattered to them. They judged the people I hung out with and forbid me to ever hang out with them ever again. That's why I don't have friends. Thanks Mom and Dad.



So excited. Aghh pls stay tuned for this Fic. I tend to make it awesome. c:

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