Chapter Four : It's my birthday?

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Wendy texted me this morning saying I can take all the time I want to get ready for work. I don't want to question it but , Why? What do you mean why? Take advantage and fall asleep again. Just 10 more minutes. 

I obliged to that little voice in my head and rested for a few more minutes.

By the time I woke up I checked my phone still very sleepy. I nearly fell off my bed when I realized the time. "9:30 ! Holy shit. I'm going to get fired!" I quickly (if that's even possible) put on some bleached out skinny jeans and a black v-neck. I grabbed my combat boots and ran to the restroom tossing my hair into a messy pony while trying to put on my boots. I brushed my teeth and ran out my front door forgetting my book. Skipping breakfast is no big deal I ate too much of that muffin yesterday so it's okay. I started running down the block and found myself in front of the cafe. "I am so fired." I said hopelessly under my breath.

When I walked in I expected being lectured and fired but I got an even bigger surprise.  

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELIZABETH!!" wendy , lily and regular customers shouted. I swear I felt the ground shake. I just stood there baffled looking at the banner that read 'Happy birthday'. I forgot it was my birthday , I forgot the own date of my birth. I'm finally 23. Well, time flies , it makes me realize that it has been officially 5 years since I haven't talked to my parents. "Thanks everyone.... i guess" I faked a smile and tried to cover my face while heading behind the cashier. There were stringers every where, confetti, even a coffee special the whole day. Lots of customers came in today but Wendy told me my job today was to clear tables. Thanks wendy. I sat at an empty table watching people have a good time on my birthday , it's no big deal It's just the day I was born. I was bored out of my mind since I was in a rush this morning I forgot my book. Right when I was going to take a nap Wendy , lily and the rest of the small staff came out with a cake. Calories. I can't eat that , i made so much progress getting thin. I just stared at it, my nose cringed at the sight of it, "Blow out the candles , Liz" Lily said so happy. She has never been this happy so for her sake I did. "Did you make a wish?" she so enthusiastic. I nodded feeling a small smile form on my lips. The smell of the blown out candles reminds me of a cigarette being put out. I wish I can see that sweet scented man again.

While Wendy started cutting the cake, customers were taking the slices and eating it. I hoped that more customers would come and take all of the cake. When I saw the last slice being served I felt so relieved like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders and stomach. My relief quickly fell when I saw Wendy and lily heading my way with 3 slices of cake. There's only 2 of them I hope that the second slice is for Lily she already ate like 3 plates of it. She can squeeze in another one , right? "We saved you a piece , we knew everyone would come and chow it down." Wendy said happily. I forced a smile on my face , "Thanks" I said while grabbing the plate and setting it down in front of me. I grabbed the plastic fork and started poking at it , seeing the fudge ooze out of the side , the sugary frosting sitting on top , the sprinkles. They gave me the slice that said my name on it , Great. I guess I made it obvious that I didn't want it because I heard lily speak up. "Don't you like cake?" she sounded sad and worried. "No I do I was just checking the flavor" Liar. Just tell her. Tell her that it's going to make you fat.

"Then what's the problem?" I looked in her big honey puppy eyes , I didn't like that face it made me feel so guilty. "Nothing I just... I was going to eat it right now." I said while grabbing the fork and grabbing a big piece of it. I started chewing it feeling the fudge mingle on my taste buds. I tried to swallow the chocolate substance but I couldn't. I grabbed milk to wash it down and tried to eat the rest. With every bite Lily's eyes grew with happiness. "That was good" I said putting my fork down on my empty plate. You liar. I can't believe you ate that. You pig. 

"Really? I made it by myself I am so glad you liked it." She looked so happy I just nodded and smiled at her.  

"You can go home early , Hun don't worry I won't take money out of your paycheck. I gave you a birthday bonus too go nuts."  

"Thanks wendy that means a lot." I said satisfied but trying not throw up all the calories I ate. I waved goodbye and thanked everyone. As soon as I walked out of the cafe I ran to the back of the building into the alley. I felt so disgusted and made myself purge out everything. That won't make up for what you ate. Continue and don't stop till I tell you so.  

I kept on throwing up until my mind was satisfied.

"You shouldn't do that. It's quite unhealthy." I heard a thick british accent say from behind. Just when I was going to turn around the cold december breeze hit causing me to catch the sweet scent of cigarettes. I quickly wiped my mouth and turned around. There he was standing in front of me. One hand in his front pocket and the other with a cigarette. He was right there. My beautiful creature.



Yay update! Ok so um I'm still working on this story clearly. If you don't know I have a Tony Perry FF 'She was covered in blood, Last seen in Pamona.' I would appreciate it if you checked it out. I update that one more. Actually going to update that one today as well. ALSO IF you guys feel like you have a problem with eating and self harm TALK TO ME. Or someone you trust. Anyone can help you. Hope you guys are enjoying.

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-Senses_fail ✌☹♡

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