Chapter Twelve: Decisions

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When I woke up my arms were still wrapped around a sleeping Oliver. I stared at him with 'awe' until I decided to get up. Carefully getting off of him I made way to the restroom and began to strip, entering the cold shower. Yeah I know it's winter but I always preferred cold than warm. My cuts were beginning to go away. It felt good stopping. Ever since Oliver showed up I began to become a better person. After scrubbing down I just stayed in the shower, pondering about last night. I know I said I would go with him, but the UK? I'm going to feel so out of place. As if I don't feel out of place here already. I got out drying my hair and wrapping my  body with a towel and brushed my teeth. I walked out to see Oliver still sleeping. Grabbing some simple clothes I went into the restroom and began changing. Wow it's 6:30 I usually get up around 7 because of work. Maybe it's this doctors appointment thats eating me alive.

Today was an all natural day. I only applied a generous amount of mascara and some lip balm today. My outfit was different today though; Gray skinny jeans, white tank top, a key blade necklace, and fingerless black gloves. Like the ones biker people wear. I felt like a character from final fantasy. Plus my Key blade necklace gives me fond memories of going to game stores and playing Kingdom Hearts since my parents didn't want to buy me any game systems. They thought it didn't fit my feminine self. They bought me barbies and dolls. I mean I do like teddy bears they are great snuggle buddies for bad dreams but, barbies?! Of course they stopped buying me them when they found out I liked pulling off their heads. Yes I know I was a weird child. Sue me.

I opened my nightstand drawer quietly and took out my sketchbook along with my pencil. I ran out of cigarettes so I checked Oliver's jacket and found a pack. He won't mind. I took out 2 and I grabbed my lighter. Walking out the door I heard Oli stir in his sleep. I closed the door quietly feeling a smile form on my lips. The air was fresh outside and smelled of rain. I looked down and saw puddles on the side of the street. Huh I'm guessing it did rain. Right when I was going to light up a cigarette I remembered about the test. Should I? No I shouldn't risk it. I placed both of them aside the ash tray on the table outside and sat down. I let out a big sigh and began sketching, I'm not sure what. The scenery out side was absolutely amazing today but I didn't have the urge to sketch it. My hands were just drawing, like they had a mind of itself. It was a close up drawing. It started with a girl figure. Then I drew out something growing in her stomach. Her facial expression was not drawn but tears were forming on eyes that weren't there. I looked at it terrified.

I flipped to a new clean page and began drawing the same girl, normal. Holding a heart, a descriptive heart. She held it out to a boy. He was tattooed and tall. Both had no expression on their face but I'm pretty sure the drawing spoke for itself. I felt a presence behind me and soon arms snaked around my waist. "So you took my cigarettes." I smiled and set my head back while oliver kissed my neck lightly over and over. He took one of them and grabbed my lighter, lighting it up and leaning over the railing next to my chair. He blew out the smoke and closed his eyes smelling the air. He looked so... heavenly. I walked back inside taking my sketch book while oliver stayed to enjoy his cigarette. I was just thirsty so I grabbed a bottle of water and walked back outside. Oliver sat down on my chair finishing up his smoke and put it out on my ashtray. There was a lot of cigarette nubs there. I never bothered to clean it out. It was just there.

I walked in front of him,leaning on the railing and smirked at him. He shrugged his shoulders and laughed. I sighed and sat on his lap. It's my chair and I wasn't done drawing. With that I opened up my sketch book to the drawing from earlier giving it more description and some shading. Oliver constantly kept playing with my hair and kissing my neck. At one point he stopped and wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder.


"You're so perfect."

I blushed and just smiled. He does this to me. He's the reason my legs are shaky around him, why my heart keeps pounding rapidly, why I'm trying to become a better person. I shifted my body slightly, facing him and kissed him. His lips felt so soft, he pulled me closer cupping my face with his hands. I put my sketch book on my lap and snaked my arms around his neck. My hands caught in his hair, his soft hair, twisting my fingers around his small curls. He dropped his hands to the bottom of my shirt tugging it but I broke away resting my forehead on his. I shook my head no and smiled pecking the tip of his nose. I got off of him taking my sketch book inside. The time was 8:35 and it took a few minutes to the medical center so I grabbed Oliver's jacket that was now mine and put my phone away. He walked back inside and walked towards me. He grabbed me by my waist and held me close.

"Tease." His voice gave me chills down my spine. His breath hitting my neck.

"Oh shut up. I need to go." I said quietly.

"I'll text you when I get back. I'm sure your band mates miss you." I walked out and headed to the medical center.*****

By the time I arrived it was time for my appointment. The secretary made me fill out the same form while I waited for the doctor. She came out (thank god) and made me do some check up stuff.

"You are underweight."

"Yeah I have an eating disorder but I began eating again. little by little."

"Well I'm glad to hear that. Well I need a urine sample so bathroom is down the hall along with a water machine. You know just in case you can't." She smiled at me and I took the cup and went.

And I thought peeing on a stick was weird.

I sat in her office once again while she was typing things in her computer.

"Alright elizabeth I'll be right back with your results."


She left and I just sat there awkwardly looking at all her degrees. Princeton. Wow impressive. I began playing with my thumbs not knowing what to do. The door opened and the doctor came back in with a clip board.

"Okay.. Elizabeth." she rummaged through the pages. I just sat there my hands shaking.

"Congratulations. You are pregnant." she smiled and put down her clipboard.

"I don't want it." I quietly whispered. This can't be happening.

"Oh. Why not?"


"I see how long has it been since you found out?"

"About two days."

"If you come by tomorrow we can fix this. Let me make you an appointment with the secretary. I will take care of it though so now you're free to go." she smiled and left the room.

I never really planned on having kids. I buried my head into my hands closing my eyes to think. I left the office and walked outside. I didn't cry. There was no need. I took out my phone and called Oliver. After 2 rings he picked up.

"Hey. What's up."

"Where are you?"

"At this hotel the lads checked in. Why?"

"Give me the address. I'll meet you there."

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah everything is fine. I just, I just miss you."

"Um okay."

He told me the address and I made my way over there. My eye's became watery but I blinked my tears away. There is no need to cry.


I want to thank you all so much for sporting this story so much.

Also check out sempxternal's oliver fanfic as well. She is an amazing writer.

More updates soon. I promise.


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