Chapter Six: Nothing More

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I woke up to the sound of a british voice talking on the phone loud. I grabbed my phone to check the time. 6:00 am.

I turned to face the wall and saw oli lying down practically yelling into the phone. This feels right. No it's wrong.

My eyes widened when I realized it. I peeked under my blankets and saw that I still had on my pants from yesterday. Sighing from relieve Oli spoke up.

"We didn't do anything."

"I think I know that."

I sat up scratching the back of my head ,stretching and letting out that little squeal. I got up and headed to the restroom.

"That was cute." I shot him a look and kept walking.

I brushed my teeth and just pulled my cheeks. Waking up early on a work day wasn't my thing. Since it's not that far. Things were different for Oli though.

It was early but I could tell from the call in the morning his mates wanted him back. I know he is going to take me because he's weird. I was headed to the shower and turned on the cold water. I took off my tank top and skinny jeans and entered. I did my usual routine I do in the shower and got out. Thats when it hit me. I forgot to bring in clothes. Crap. I can't walk out there with just a towel. What if it falls. Just fuck my life right now. Oh shut up, you wouldn't mind. Ugh shut up. I poked out my head out and saw oli in the kitchen. I bit my lip trying to convince myself that I could run and grab my clothes without him noticing. Just bang him already.

I hate my inner thoughts. No mater how honest or right they are. I closed my eyes knowing I had to do what I had to do.

"Oliver?" I say out loud. I heard footsteps approaching. Oli's eyes widened when he saw my little situation. I just rolled my eyes.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I spit at him. I know, I let the guy stay over and I end up being a bitch in the morning. Well he woke me up with his very attractive sleepy voice So now we're even. In a way.

"Oli can you grab me a few things?" I asked nicely.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked very entertained. I scoffed at his tone and put my head down.

"A bra,underwear, shirt,and skinny jeans." I said almost toneless, but I was so ashamed. He nodded his head and walked over to my drawer. I heard ruffling going on. Gosh how hard is it to get a few items of clothing?

"NO SNOOPING OLIVER!" i say in a thick british accent. I kinda liked teasing him with that. He laughed and came back with my clothes. Snatching it from his hand I try and close the door. He grabs it in time. Again.

"No thank you?"

"I think me asking you to get my bra and underwear was satisfying for you already." I closed the door and quickly put on my clothes. When I finished I walked out and saw oli in my kitchen. Once again. I sneaked behind him brushing my hair and whispered in his ear.

"What are you doing?" He flinched and turned around. He gave me a look that said 'don't do that shit ever again' and I just laughed.

"Do you buy food at all?" I felt my face turn white if that's even possible since I'm really pale. No if I have food here I will tempt myself to eat all those calories. I'll be fatter than I am now. Don't you know that?

"No too busy at work. Besides I don't get hungry much." I said shrugging my shoulders like it's no big deal.

"Well I'm hungry so I'm going with my mates for breakfast. You comin?" I shook my head no. I swear it's like my body hates me cause I swear I heard my stomach rumble. It was like a whale calling for his mother or something.

"Sounds like jurassic park in there." oli said laughing. I smiled.

"We're going now." he tugged my shirt to signal that were leaving.

"But I look like shit." my voice complaining like a child. He just stood there and stared at me.

"You look fine." He's good at lying. He smiled getting close. Too close. I backed away and headed to the restroom. I didn't close the door and yelled out to him.

"I'm putting on my makeup and blow drying my hair you dork." I smiled at him and he just sighed. He sat on my bed and I began doing my makeup. I did a simple wing like always and filled in my eyebrows a bit. Blow drying my hair was quick I made sure the top was dry. Didn't really care about the bottom. I applied lip balm and walked out. Oliver was staring at my wall examining my sketches.

"These are really good."

"Excuse me?" my sounding not convinced.

"You should make album work for us." I snorted at this comment.

"Yeah I hope I will get paid."

"You will." I smiled and just headed to the door. I grabbed my bag and my uniform. Oliver followed close behind and grabbed my hand. I thought about pulling away but I couldn't. His hand was warm and welcoming. We're just friends. Nothing more.



I'm leaving to the airport today so I shall leave you with this. Thank you so much for supporting this story guys seriously. I'll try to find ways to update. BTW changed my dp for a while. That's me right now. For people reading this too late, sorry you won't see my face. Maybe next time x)

I'll be working on other stories I promise. I've been listening to Marianas trench for some time so check them out :) Listening to 'haven't had enough' by them right now. Anyway,


~Peaceskies, Senses_fail☹✌✈

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