Chapter Six

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A/N: I am so sorry for the long wait, but my internet has been dead for like a month now and it was only fixed yesterday.

I won't keep this long because I know you won't to read this chapter.

So thanks for sticking with me and I hope to update soon!



Chapter Six

Alexia’s POV

His face was like stone, not displaying a single emotion. He crossed his arms and stared down at me, not saying a word, just watching.

“We also found a so-called friend of hers with her alpha, we found them heading towards Louisiana...” Seth told him, keeping a gentle hand on my shoulder.

He growled lowly, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, before composing himself once again. He trailed his eyes up and down my body, probably checking for injury and when he found nothing, he nodded.

“Where are they?”

“They are in the court house, Alpha...” Seth told him, “Awaiting your presence...”

Hunter frowned, but kept eye contact with me, “Put them in a cell, I will not be able to see them until tomorrow morning.”

“What do you mean in a cell?” I yelled, outraged, “You cannot put Carson in a damn cell!”

Hunter growled at me, “Carson... they’re a guy?”

I rolled my eyes, shrugging Seth’s hand away, “Yes, and I have been friends with him for over six years now, so don’t you dare start complaining...”

“What is he to you?” He demanded.

“What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

“Is he your lover?” He asked firmly, “Is that why you ran away?”

“No!” I yelled, “He has a mate!”

“Oh does he now?” He mocked, “Then, where is she right now?”

“He doesn’t know...” I replied in a quieter voice, “He thinks she is dead...”

Hunter stopped the glaring match, his eyes softening at my tone, “Seth, please leave us and send the message to the courthouse...”

Seth took a few steps back, “Of course, Alpha. Good evening, Luna...”

I nodded at Seth, and waved as he left before turning back to my Alpha mate. He watched me for a few minutes, not saying anything just watching.

“Can I have a shower?” I asked quietly.

He nodded suddenly, “Of course you can, and while you’re doing that, I’ll send for some food to be brought up to us...”

“Why can’t we eat with everyone else?” I asked.

“Because we have a lot to talk about; that’s why...”


I lay in bed, with the blanket wrapped around me, like a snail in its shell.  Looking to my left, I saw Hunter snoring softly, dreaming of nice things, happy things, while I lay awake. Yes, we were sharing a bed now, not that I had much choice, after he starting stating how he could lock me up in a cell, much like Carson.

I thought of Carson, I needed to speak to him, but I knew that Hunter would never allow it, plus; the court house was a good mile away from the pack house, and I would be seen easily.

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