Chapter 4: Roses

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First, I'd like to say sorry to all the people I left hanging for around 1 or 2 years... I lost count. I just checked this account and I saw it had quite a bit of reads and I've decided to start up again... So here you go.

Nicole's POV

All I remember from the night of the game was Alexis and something about him making me feel special. Suddenly, as if snapping me out of my dream, the alarm goes off alerting the nurse that I was awake. I look around and all I see are the white walls of the hospital and a small window in the corner. Also, as if misplaced, a bouquet of roses and a few other presents and letters.

Where am I? What happened? Who? When?

The stale nurse sees the confusion in my face and blankly says, "You're in the hospital because you and your friend were in a terrible car crash. I am your nurse this evening, my name is Crystel."

I am still very confused, but she refuses to speak anymore. As I'm studying the room I see curtains and more medical supplies accompanying the smell of cleaning alcohol. I feel a pinch in my arm and I scream. The nurse was putting a huge needle in my arm which was connected to a machine. I shut my eyes as tight as possible because I have a phobia of needles and I don't want them in or near me.

The nurse, after she's done torturing me, exits the room swiftly going accord the hall to another patient.

As I try to move in the old hospital bed I realize that my left leg won't move. I open up the covers and see a huge cast covering from my toes to right under my hip. I gasp and blankly look at it in shock.

Out of nowhere, this lady comes in, startling me. The lady with a gray women's suit, medium straight blonde hair, and blue eyes, grabs a chair and sits right in front of me. She says, "I am here to answer all of your questions because I know that you're extremely confused and probably want to know about the accident"

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital in London, England"

"Why am I here?"

"During the accident you shattered your knee cap, shattered your fibula, broke your collar bone, major wounds on your face, fractured your nose, and received a concussion."

"What was the accident?"

"From several witnesses and an investigation, we found that your Ford Mustang was going about 55 mph and then the tire popped causing the car to spin out of control. The vehicle rolled off on the highway and went into a ditch and stopped when it landed sideways stuck between trees. You were the driver by the way. The car set fire, but we managed to get you out in time."

"Was it just me in the car?"

"No, a female by the name of Julie Drew was in the passenger seat."

It came rushing back to me, "Where is she? She's my best friend. Is she okay?"

The lady was silent as if thinking of what to say and how to say it. After a minute she spoke.

"I never like telling people this, but it's my job. Your friend Julie passed away during the crash. She died on impact, but was taken out from the car when you were."

I didn't know what to say or how to react. Too much had happened and my concussion was stopping me from thinking. Julie was dead. I couldn't comprehend that. I was just at the game with her. Right?

"How long have I been here?"

"3 days already."

So Julie died 3 days ago. 3 days of heaven for her and 3 days of struggling for me.

I felt like death.

"Last question, who left the flowers, presents, and letters?"

"Your parents have left a lot of it. They're not here right now because it is 2 am. Some are from friends that have only poked their heads in. But, the flowers have been replaced every day by a young man. It seems to me he's your boyfriend or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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