Chapter 2: The Game

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Nicole's POV

We finally got to the stadium after an hour of driving and I can barely contain myself. There are booths outside so I get a face paint of the arsenal symbol. There is one booth that I look at where you can enter for a chance to meet the arsenal team. I think "why not?" So Julie and I enter the raffle.

We go into the stadium and I buy myself a hot dog and popcorn. Our seats are great! We are in the middle and close to the field. It's a struggle getting to our seats because of all the people. We sit and soon after the soccer teams come out and everyone cheers.

The game starts off good. Many chances at a goal by both teams, but it is still 0-0 and it is already half-time.

"This is a good game, but I wish they would score," Julie tells me.

"Arsenal will score... I hope" I say with a little nervous chuckle.

Then the loudspeakers come on and start announcing about the raffle.

"And the winner is... Nicole Stevens and Julie Drew"

I can't believe it... I get to meet Arsenal, and most importantly Alexis Sanchez! We look at each other and scream. Both of us jump up, still screaming, and run towards the field. They told us that we can sit on the field and after the game we can go to the locker room and meet them. I started crying tears of joy. I'm so excited.

For the rest of the game Julie and I sit on the field next to the players. I occasionally look at them and smile. The score is still 0-0 by the 75th minute. The game is nerve wracking. Suddenly Ozil gets the ball and goes towards the goal. He is cut off, but crosses it to Alexis. Alexis receives the ball and runs by 2 defenders. It's just him and the goalie. He shoots and scores. The ball went beautifully to the top left corner. The whole stadium erupts in screams from the fans.

The end of the game comes quickly and the game is 1-0. The only goal scored by Alexis. I am hyperventilating because now I get to meet all the guys. The security guard come to Julie and I and takes us towards the locker room where the whole team is.

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