Chapter 16: Sympathy

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In Storybrooke, During a dream, Facilier is holding a birthday party for Grace in front of the Gale family: Edward, Dorothy, Renee and Liam. When Grace picks a wand as her gift, Facilier turns her into a porcelain puppet and faces the wrath of the family. As he explains, that "the girl would be his undoing," he smashes the porcelain Grace, only to wake up from what turns out to be a nightmare. As Facilier later watches Liam practice sword-fighting with Grace, Zelena asks him what they're doing together. Facilier explains that they're family because Liam is Grace's father. Annoyed, and thinking Facilier was responsible for that happening, Zelena responds, "If your own son couldn't bring out the good in you, who will?" So Facilier turns to the only person who he feels will be a key to helping him feel loved by visiting Glinda at the hospital, where she is happy to see him. However, Zelena, who arrives moments before Facilier, makes sure that she doesn't remember by using a spell on a necklace. The necklace gives her her curse memories of being Lisa, a scantily-dressed barfly. Facilier is furious that Zelena interfered, but Zelena makes no apologies for her actions, prompting Facilier to use whatever it takes to win her back and reawaken her memories as Glinda. At Roni's Diner, Facilier approaches Edward to ask him about his other life during the curse to see if there was some way to win back Glinda, so Edward tells him the only way to win her heart is to be himself, so they trek down to the "Storybrooke real estate office" where Lisa seems to be enjoying herself with showing pictures of houses to people. After much convincing, Lisa agrees to go out with Facilier on a date. As they return to Roni's, Lisa shocks Facilier with ordering Chicken Parmesan and a full glass of wine instead of cheeseburgers, and as they make a small conversation he spills the wine on her dress and she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Facilier then becomes suspicious when he checks on her and discovers Lisa out in the back seducing a man called John. Lisa is not happy with Facilier because he wants Glinda back and she leaves, but when he confronts John again, he takes his tongue out so he won't scream and beats him with his cane. When Lisa returns, she sees that the rumors of Facilier's dark side are true and is glad for it, Facilier proceeds to continue beating John while Lisa watches with a smile. Meanwhile, Edward and Dorothy reveal to Renee that a gaint is in Storybrooke and has been growing magic beans in a field concealed by the Light One. Dorothy, disturbed by her own recent actions, is now as eager as Edward to return to the Enchanted Forest, but Renee considers Earth her home and is conflicted over which world she and Grace should live in. When Zelena confronts Renee about Grace's relationship with Liam, Renee warns Zelena that her behavior could result in her losing Grace "forever," which makes Zelena suspicious. After Edward and Dorothy drop off the munchkin's and Antonio for dinner, Zelena and Grayson uses their magic to track them back to the field and discovers the beans. Liam brings a sleeping Grace home, complimenting his sword skills and mentioning he's befriended Isaac. When Renee asks Liam how he feels about the idea of returning to the Enchanted Forest, he is noncommittal and she doesn't mention the beans. Renee still hopes to decipher Isaac's warning. Meanwhile, Nathan shows Sharon a map of where he has observed magic in Storybrooke. He still intends to find his father. They make plans for her to bring a "package" into town from where she has hidden it nearby. That night at the city limits, the package is revealed to be a captive Isaac whom they plan to use to "do their dirty work."

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