Chapter 4

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Olivia's POV

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." I say as we stand in the kitchen, after pulling away from out kiss.

"It's okay, liv" he says kissing my forehead as he pulls me into a hug.

"No it's not, my life has been a living hell" I say as I hear small footsteps coming towards the kitchen.

"Mommy?" Noah says just before she gets to the kitchen.

"I'm in here baby" I say getting out of Elliot's grasp.

"What is taking you so long?" She says walking over to me and Elliot. I lift her up an set her on the counter.

"Elliot and I were talking" I say smirking at Elliot. He smiles at me then looks at Noah who is trying to get his attention.

"My mommy has a picture of you in her room" she says as she giggles, causing my head to shoot up.

"She does?"Elliot says lifting his head up to smirk at me.

"Yea. She's wearing a very pretty dress in it. Do you think my mommy is pretty?" She asks causing me to giggle and look back at the plate.

"I do," Elliot says as I look up at him. "I think your mommy is the most beautiful women I have ever seen"

"Really?" She says with a smile on her face.

"I mean, other than you, your mommy is the most beautiful women I have ever seen." he said causing my smile to spread wider than it already is.

"Your funny" she said before climbing down and running towards the living room. I look up at Elliot, as he watches Noah run towards the living room , to the only people she has ever known to be her family. Normally I would be able to tell what he was thinking, but its different now, its been so long.

"El?" I ask softly, touching his shoulder, causing his head to shoot up towards me, allowing me to see the tears in his eyes.

"She's so grown up liv," he croaks causing my eyes to water. I didn't know he was hurting just as bad as I was. "I shouldn't have left, I should have fought for you, and I would have been there for you guys."

"El, it alr-" I start but he cuts me off.

"No liv, its not. She needed a father, and you needed a man that could be there for you no matter what, but I wasn't the man that deserved you two. You deserve better than me, I shouldn't have left you. Your happy now, there's nothing I can do to take it back, and there is nothing that I can do to get you back. You deserve to be happy, without me." He said, pacing the kitchen, leaving me standing alone by the counter, arms wrapped around myself, as the tears fall freely down my face.

"I'm not happy Elliot. I haven't been happy in a long time, ever since you left me." I said finally looking up at him. "I know I made you leave, but you have to believe that is not what I wanted."

"I know liv. I should have fought harder. I should have fought for you two, you girls mean the world to me." He said walking up to me, wrapping his arms around me while I cry into that old familiar chest. "I know you have a new guy in your life, and from what I can see you and Noah are doing just fine without me, but I still want to be there for you."

"We are not happy Elliot." I said harshly as an involuntary sob escaped my lips, and backing up away from him, walking towards my room "We are far from happy Elliot"

A couple of minutes later I was sitting in the window of Noahs room. I as brought out of my tear-filled daze when I hear little feet run towards my bedroom, then back down the hallway.

"Mommy?" she calls through the hallway.

"I'm in here baby" I say hearing her come into her room. She climbed into my lap, and heard more foot steps coming up the steps.

"Hey liv. Me, Fin, and Munch are going to head." he says poking his head into the door. "Noah how about you come stay with me"

"I don't know" she says looking up at me for permission. I let out a chuckle, looking back up to Don.

"Of course you can baby. Ill be alright." I say kissing her forehead. "I love you baby"

"Ilove you too mommy" she said kissing my cheek, before she runs over to Don.

"Liv-" he start, but I cut him off.

"I know Don, ill deal with it" he says before they walk off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2015 ⏰

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