Thomas Imagine ( requested )

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For SummerXoL13

Me and Thomas are best friends. We do everything together. Would it be bad if I told him I wanted to be more than friends?
My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the box coming up. Thomas runs towards me.
"Hey Summer! Are you excited about the new Greenie?!? Maybe it'll be a girl this time!!" Thomas says excitedly. I giggle and then reply "Yeah! Who's turn is it to show the Greenie around anyway??" "I think It's your turn ya Shank so you better get over there!" He says. You run over to the box and impatiently wait....
10 minutes Later❤
The box has finally stopped letting out that horrid sound. Newt, Thomas, Minho, and Gally all move the top. When they finally get it open I jump into the box.
It's a girl...
"Everything okay down there Summer?" Newt asks.
"Thomas and Newt come down here..." You reply cautiously..
"What about me!!" Minho calls down affended.
"You can come down to ya shuckface" I reply simply. I feel the box shake and I'm face to face with the one and one guy who can leave me with a lose for words. Thomas. "Summer? What's wrong why'd you call us into the box?" Thomas asks sounding worried about you. He cant be worried about me! He doesn't even like me that way! "Oh...ummm....oh! Right! Theres a uhm.. Problem with the Greenie.. Aka I think she's dead...." You reply.. "Wait she?" Newt asks. "Mhmm loom for yourself." You say moving to the side so then can see her. Minho checks her pulse. "Don't worry the shuckface is still alive" he says. You hear Thomas let out a sigh of relief. Wait what?? Does Thomas have a thing for this girl who seems dead?? No he can't!! Right?? Thomas, Newt, and Minho carry the girl to the homestead. I being the only other girl am assigned to watch over her but, Thomas insists he'll do it....
PART 2?? JK there will definitely be a part two ❤ THANK YOU GUYS SO SHUCKING MUCH FOR 251 VIEWS!

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