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They played PlayStation and some other video games and watched a movie untill Niall fell asleep cause they were already watching TV in the dark

"the dork is asleep" Louis said to Harry pointing at Niall and smiling so Harry giggled, looking at him


"Louis.. Do you feel better now?" Harry asked worried of the shit that Louis usually says but he didn't expected him to answer like

"i don't know.. I was never so confused. I thought i hated her but... When she's really is getting away from me i.. I felt different.. Afraid" Louis said looking at his feet and holding his knees as he sat a while ago

"i told you that you don't hate her Louis but you never listened"

"you were right.. I never cried over someone but believe it or not, i-i cried myself to sleep yeaterday" Louis said smirking as if making fun of himself

"this isn't weird, she's your mother Louis, she's not just someone"

"i don't know what i feel.. I'm afraid and sad and I'm so guilty as i was never before.. I feel weak. And unfortunately i need her.. W-why would she just stop caring about me! She said it to me face to face yesterday.. She will only pay for my school and needs.. I was never so shocked before"

"louis she didn't do this for no reason, you've done alot.. I told you before that you're so harsh with her but you didn't care.. She's had enough and she needs someone to care about her cause... It's truth Louis, you never cared about her or her feelings, you were treating her so cold and you couldn't care less! These are the results of the way you used to treat her and you can't blame her"

"what am i supposed to do now?" Louis' voice cracked and Harry could see his teary eyes from the light of the TV

He sighed and patted his back "just wait.. And try to talk to her-"

"i-I'd never do this!.. I can't"

"but you have to, Louis"


"i know it's hard for you but if you need her you have to do this and.. After all, she's your mother, you can't keep your pride against her she will forgive you if you talked to her cause she loves you so much, don't forget that you're her only child, Louis" He said putting his arm on Louis' shoulders and shaking him friendly so Louis smiled lightly and a single tear slided down his cheeck and Harry could never be more shocked or sadder.. He never saw Louis crying althought that they've been friends for years

"No, Louis c'mon.. Everything is gonna be fine please, just stop" he said and hugged him but Louis was frozen and just let out a small sob which made Harry hug him seriously now

"it's fine, Louis, please"

"i caused her sadness and tears and insulted her" he said between his low sobs

"while all what i got back was caring and fear and worry and love.. I don't deserve anything good" he said and cried harder on Harry's shoulder while all what Harry did was patting his back and comforting him.. He knew that Louis needs to talk or he could never allow him to see his tears

"it's okay, Louis, it's okay.. She loves you, beleive me. If you talked to her she will forgive you"

" i don't think so" he said pulling away and wiping his face

"Louis, just rest right now and sleep and tomorrow we will talk"

"okay.." he said in a strange tone that Harry had never heard from him.. A weak and low tone.

They both slept on the ground and carried Niall and put him on his bed.

#Louis' POV

I woke up in a strange place and was alone.. But the view changed slowly showing me my mom.. Niall, Harry, their parents and some other people.. Wearing all black and standing in front of a casket and mom was crying so hard.. I walked and stood so near but they didn't notice me.. Harry and Niall was crying hard. I stood in front of Harry but he didn't see me. What?

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