Chapter 6

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All of the Slytherins and Gryffindors gathered in a room for defense against the dark arts. Professor Lupin was teaching, which made Harry very happy. He had taken a liking to professor Lupin.

"Good evening, class," said professor Lupin. "Today we are going to be learning about this," he motioned to a closet that was shaking, as if something was trying to get out. Many people backed away. "Can anybody tell me what this is?"

Hermione was the first to raise her hand (of course).

"Yes, Hermione?" Lupin said.

"That, sir, is a bogart. It takes the shape whatever the person it's facing fears most."

"Excellent, Hermione," Lupin praised. "We are going to be learning how to defend ourselves against this. Everyone get out your wands and repeat after me. Ridiculus."


"Good. Now, Neville, step up please," Neville Longbottom stepped towards him. "What do you fear most?"

"P-professor Snape, sir," Neville stuttered. "But my grandma is a close second," everyone laughed.

"Now, describe to me what your grandma's clothes look like,"

Feliciano was too nervous to pay attention. He shook and broke out in a cold sweat. He felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Antonio, giving him a worried look.

"Are you okay?" The spaniard asked. "You look awful,"

"I-I'm fine," Feli smiled at him. "Just nervous,"

"There's no need to be, really," Toni smiled at Feli, which made him feel a little better. They both turned back to look at Lupin and Neville just in time to see the bogart jump out of the closet in the form of professor Snape.

Panicking, Neville shouted, "Ridiculus!" Suddenly, Snape was wearing what looked like a fur coat and a ridiculous green hat. Everyone laughed at the bogart. Neville stepped back, letting the other students go who were behind him.

Feliciano started to calm down now. He took deep breathes, and after a couple seconds, was back to normal. Everything would be fine. There was no real danger in doing this, especially if Lupin was there. Still, Feli had a bad feeling that wouldn't go away.

After a short period of time, Ron stepped forward. The bogart automatically turned into a giant spider. Ron panicked, stepping back a little, before shouting "Ridiculus!" The spider was now on roller skates, sliding around, frantically trying to get up. Everyone thought this was the most hilarious so far, including the countries, who were loudly laughing.

Next was a girl. The bogart turned into a giant snake. The girl said, "Ridiculus!" The snake was now in the form a jack in the box. Feliciano stepped forward now.

The bogart started leaning towards Feliciano before changing shape. It changed into a person. He looked like he was a child, and was wearing a black tailcoat and a black hat. The child had blonde hair and his back was facing towards everyone.

Harry was beyond confused. Who was that? Was he someone Feliciano feared? If so, why didn't Feli look scared? Suddenly, the bogart turned around to reveal sparkling blue eyes.

Feli stared in horror. 'No, no, this can't be happening...' The bogart took a few steps towards Feli. The bogart did not appear to be hostile. It gently stroked Feli's cheek, staring into his golden eyes.

"...Holy Rome?"


"...Holy Rome?"

The other countries stared in horror.

"Feli...?" Toni tried. No response.

"Ita?" No response.

"Feliciano?" No response.

Feli stared into the eyes of what looked like Holy Rome. Holy Rome stepped back, and changed forms. He now looked like Ludwig. Feli reached out his hand, but the bogart only stared at it.

"Luddy?" Feli desperately called to the bogart.

Everyone was too shocked to move. What the bloody hell was going on? Lupin knew that this was getting incredibly dangerous, but he couldn't move. He was frozen in place.

The bogart turned around. Feli desperately called out to it, but it kept facing away. Lupin, who was finally able to move, jumped in front of Feli. The bogart turned into a full moon. Lupin shouted, "Ridiculus!" And it turned into a balloon and flew around the room, before going back into the closet. Lupin quickly shut and locked the door behind it.

"Why don't we take a break?" Said Lupin.

Feliciano ran out of the classroom as fast as he could, tears streaming down his cheeks. Why? Out of all of the things that it could have taken the shape of, why him?

Feliciano ran into an empty classroom, and sat down, hugging his knees to his chest and sobbing. Hot tears streamed down his face, as he sobbed into his robes.

Suddenly, Ludwig burst through the door and turned to Feli. He sat down next to the Italian and wrapped his arms around him.

"What happened, Feliciano?" Ludwig said seriously.

Feliciano looked up at his German best friend, before wrapping his arms around him and crying into his shoulder. Ludwig felt Feli's tears on his neck and robes, but he was to busy comforting his friend to care.

"Luddy..." Feliciano sobbed into his shoulder, desperately clinging to him. Ludwig got up and turned to go get Kiku to help him comfort Feli. He suddenly felt an iron grip and his wrist, and heard a desperate, pleading cry,

"Please don't leave me!"

Ludwig turned to see feliciano grabbing his wrist, tears streaming down his face, his eyes staring into his. He looked down, still holding Ludwig's wrist, and weakly begged.

"Please...please don't leave me...don't leave me like he did! I don't want to lose you too! I love you!"

Feli sobbed, letting go of Ludwig's hand and bringing it to his face, crying into it. He whispered, "please don't leave me," over and over again.

Ludwig knew that Feliciano had a fear of abandonment, but he never knew it was this serious. He sadly looked at the Italian, who was crying into his hands. Ludwig sat down in front of him.

"Feliciano," he said sternly.

Feliciano looked up too see Ludwig. After no less than a second, Ludwig pressed his lips to Feli's, gently kissing him.

Feliciano was shocked. Was Ludwig actually kissing him? Ludwig pulled back and gently stroked Feli's face, wiping one of the tears away. "Feli...," he started. "I would never leave you."

Feli wrapped his arms around Ludwig's neck, pulling him into another kiss. Ludwig wrapped his arms around Feli's waist. Feliciano pulled back.

"You promise?" He said.

"I promise,"


Ludwig and Feli smiled, staring into each other's eyes.

Suddenly, Gilbert loudly yelled, "GOOD JOB, BRO!" Before loudly laughing his weird laugh. Ludwig got up and turned to his brother. Gilbert stopped laughing and ran away, Ludwig chasing after him.

Feliciano laughed. He was so happy.

He was finally happy.


A/N: the GerIta is now in the story! 🎉🎊 I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! See ya next time!


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