Chapter 21

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Alfred quickly ran through the panicked crowd towards the Gryffindor Tower. Everyone was in a panic, and he could barely make his way through the crowd. He spotted Matthew and Arthur near the door, and he dashed towards them.

"Mattie! Iggy!" He yelled, getting their attention. "What happened?"

"She's gone!" Matthew said. "The lady in the painting, she's gone! Look!"

He turned and saw that the painting on the door was in shambles. It was ripped beyond belief, and as Matthew had said, the lady that was usually in the painting was gone.

"Wh-what the hell?!" He asked.

"Oh dear..." Arthur said.

Soon, all of the other teachers appeared. Harry, Ron and Hermione were there almost the second before they were. Dumbledore and the others stared at the painting.

"Everyone!" Arthur said, getting everyone's attention. "Please exit to the Great Hall! Dumbledore, the rest of the teachers and I have to discuss something,"

Everyone left, but Matthew and Alfred stayed behind to ask Arthur what was going on. Alfred could tell that it wasn't good.

"Alfred," Arthur said sternly. "I don't have time to explain right now. Go with your classmates,"

"I won't!" He yelled. "Not until you give me an answer!"

Arthur sighed. "Why do you have to be so stubborn, Alfred?!"

Matthew grabbed Alfred's wrist. "Maybe it's best if we just go, Alfred,"

Alfred listened to his twin and the two of them started walking to the Great Hall. Arthur sighed again. Alfred could certainly be a handful, good thing Matthew was a better listener.

"So, what the bloody hell happened?!" Arthur yelled loudly, trying to get the lady from the painting's attention. Luckily once she heard him, she came out from her hiding spot in one of the other paintings. She was trembling.

"H-h-he's here," she said. "S-Sirius Black,"

"So he's the one who did this?" Asked Dumbledore.

"But why...?" Arthur mumbled.


"What the hell isn't he telling us?!" Alfred yelled angrily.

"Could you please not yell?" Asked Hermione. "There's already enough of a fuss as it is,"

"I kinda agree," Yao said. "I want to know what's up! What is Arthur hiding?!"

"Maybe Draco would know," Matthew said, angrily glaring at Prussia.

"It was an accident!" Gilbert said. "Besides, I said I'm sorry!"

"Saying I'm sorry won't make him forget, Gilbert!"

"I agree with Matthew," Ludwig said. "You should have been more careful, Gilbert."

"You too?!" Gilbert started to get angry. "Does anyone else agree?! HUH?!"

"I do," Francis joined in. "We can't afford to be so reckless,"




Harry, Ron and Hermione stared at them fighting in confusion. What did Draco have to do with anything? What on earth were they talking about? Why were they all screaming?


Everyone turned to Alfred, who had been the one to yell. The trio was beyond confused now. Alfred was being responsible? Hermione considered looking out the window to see if the world was ending.

They all sat quietly until Arthur came in and told them that they were going to sleep in the Great Hall that night. Alfred knew something was up. When Arthur was going to leave, he caught up with him.

"Hey, you okay bro?" Alfred asked.

"Of course," Arthur replied. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because you look confused and depressed as all hell?"

"...shut up you twat,"

Alfred laughed. "Seriously bro, what's up?"

"Well...they think that Sirius Black did that to the painting, and that he is in Hogwarts. But I knew him. He would never do anything like this. They also seem to think that he's after Harry, but that's completely false! He loved Harry, and he never worked with Voldemort! Why is this happening?!"

"H-hey, calm down bro," Alfred said, putting a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "I'm sure everything is going to be fine,"

"Y-yeah," said Matthew, who had heard the entire conversation. "Everything is gonna be just fine. We're here to help you in any way we can,"

Arthur felt himself tearing up. He was beyond proud of his little brothers. He wrapped his arms around them and hugged them tightly. The two of them hugged back.

"I really don't deserve to have brothers as great as you," Arthur said. "Thank you,"

"What are brothers for, dude?"

Arthur let go of them and smiled. He walked off, leaving Alfred and Matthew. The two of them went back into the crowd to find their friends.

" are we gonna decide where to sleep?"


Arthur stared at the picture of him, James and Sirius. He knew Sirius so well back then, but now he felt like he shouldn't be able to trust him. No, like he was being  forced not to trust him. He groaned loudly. God he needed help. And he knew just where to get it.

He took his cell phone out of his pocket and called an old friend of his. Someone who knows magic almost as well as he does.

"Norway? Are you there?"

"What is it, England?" Said Norway. "I'm kind of busy at the moment,"

Arthur heard the other Nordics (as well as Sealand) in the background. It sounded like Denmark somehow managed to get stuck in a bookshelf while drunk. He had to stifle his  laughter at the thought.

"You remember Sirius Black?" He asked.

"Of course I do! DENMARK SHUT UP I'M ON THE PHONE!!!" Arthur held the phone away from his ear as Norway screamed at the other Nordic. "Sorry about that. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I think he's in Hogwarts. Apparently he attacked the painting on the door to the Gryffindor common room. What should I saw to him?"

"Ask him what the hell he was doing. Simple. If he doesn't want to answer, force him to. Punch him if you need to."

"Hehe, thanks."

"No problem. Call me again if you need anything, but I really gotta go now."

"Alright, bye. And uh, tell the other Nordics I say hello,"

"Will do,"


A/N: I'm so sorry this is late! I was really busy yesterday! Any ways, I hope you liked chapter 21! The one and only Norway has entered the story! Yay!

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