Chapter 15

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A/N: please read the A/N at the bottom, it's kinda important! Enjoy the chapter!

"You did WHAT?!?" Arthur yelled.

"Hehe, sorry dude, I just really wanted a drink, y'know?" Alfred nervously replied, knowing he was going to get a lecture.

"Alfred, I swear to god I am going to throw you out of a window," he grumbled. "Do you have ANY idea how risky that was?!"

"I said sorry dude, sheesh,"

"You could have gotten us in trouble, you dumbass! You could have put people in danger! And all for free booze?!"


" are such a pain in the ass,"

"I didn't come here to get lectured." Alfred said. "I need to ask you something. Something important."

Arthur calmed himself down, since he could see Al was serious.

"What do you want to know?"

"I'd like to know about Harry's parents,"



Arthur walked down the long hallways of Hogwarts, wearing his Slytherin robes with pride. He had just started going to Hogwarts, and he was beyond excited.

He suddenly walked into someone, causing that person to fall back. He looked down and saw jet black hair, and Gryffindor robes. He reached out his hand for the Gryffindor.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going," Arthur said.

"Don't worry, it's fine," the Gryffindor said, taking his hand and standing back up. "I'm James,"

"I'm Arthur,"

"It's nice to meet you, Arthur,"

"You too,"

After that, Arthur and James became very close friends. Some people thought it was weird, since they were from Slytherin and Gryffindor, two houses known for hating each other's guts. They didn't care, though. They were friends, even if they were from different houses. That's why when on their first Quiddich game, with both of them as seekers for their team, they didn't hold grudges when the other won, they happily patted each other on the back and said "good game!", much to others' confusion and anger.

"Hey, Arthur!" James said. "I'd like you to meet someone,"

A girl stood next to him. She was gorgeous, and had the most amazing eyes.

"Hello," she said. "I'm Lily,"

"I'm Arthur,"

"It's nice to meet you, Arthur,"

After that, Arthur became close friends with Lily as well. Arthur really enjoyed being their friend, and he was happy that they didn't judge him by the action of others, like many other Gryffindors did to him.

When he was introduced to Sirius Black, they became close friends as well. He had also met Peter Petigrew, but he thought something was off about him.

He of course went to James and Lily's wedding, and he (and his older brothers that insisted on going) had an amazing time. Arthur actually cried, but he would deny it if anyone said he did.

When he heard that Lily was pregnant he was beyond ecstatic. He wondered what type of person the baby would be, what house he'd be in, if he'd be more like Lily or James, the list goes on.

He and Sirius saw the baby the same time. It was a couple days after he was born, and Lily was still in the hospital.

"He's beautiful," Arthur said.

"What's his name?" Sirius asked.

"Harry," she replied.

"Harry," Arthur repeated. "Harry Potter,"

"Hey Harry," Lily said to the smiling baby. "Look who it is, it's your god father, Sirius," she held up the baby to look at Sirius. "And uncle Arthur," she then held the baby up to look at him.

Arthur felt a bit sad, knowing he'd never be able to have a child of his own, but that didn't matter. He knew Harry was going to be special, and he was going to make sure he would be the best wizard he could be.

That day, he decided to tell them that he was the personification of England. They were all completely shocked at first, but when they thought about it, it seemed kind of obvious.

One day he was reading a newspaper, and when he saw the headline, his heart stopped. "James and Lily Potter Dead. Sirius Black In Azkaban". It didn't take him long to figure out that Sirius was framed, but he just couldn't figure out who framed him. He was relieved to find out that Harry was safe, he was so happy that he was "the boy who lived" and not "the boy who died".

Years later, he sat down on the train, ready to go to Hogwarts, when three teenagers sat next to him, and he saw it. It wasn't the scar he saw. He noticed it of course, but that wasn't what made him know who he was.

Harry had his mother's eyes.

~flashback ends~


"So...Sirius was framed?" Alfred asked.

"Yes. I'm sure," Arthur said sadly. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay dude. We'll fix this. You, me, Mattie, Francy pants, and everyone else. We can show people that he's innocent,"

"Unfortunately, it won't be that easy. Also, our top priority is protecting Harry, not helping Sirius,"

Alfred could tell Arthur felt horrible. He wrapped his arms around the older country.

"It's okay bro, I'm here for you,"

"Thank you, Alfred,"

Alfred unwrapped his arms and reached into his bag, pulling out what was left of his booze.

"Besides, you could always drink your problems away!"



Harry sat in the Gryffindor common room. He still couldn't believe that Sirius told Voldemort where his parents were. How could he do that? How could he just betray his father's trust?

"Harry? Are you okay?"

Harry turned to see a concerned Feliciano standing behind him.

"I'm fine," he lied.

Feli sat down next to Harry. He wondered what to say to make him feel better.

"You know," he started. "If you need anything, you can always talk to me,"

"Thanks Feli, but I told you, I'm fine,"

"No you're not." Feli sighed. "You do realize sitting around moping isn't going to help you, right?"

"I'm not moping,"

"I know moping when I see it,"

Harry stared out the window. He knew Feli could see right through him, but he was going to keep trying to convince him that he was okay.

"Why don't you go hang out with Ron and Hermione? Spending time with them will cheer you up!"

Harry thought about it before getting up to go find them. While walking up the stairs, he yelled back,"Thanks Feli!".

"No problem!"


A/N: hey I'm back! New chapter! I kind of had writer's block with this chapter so I hope it turned out okay -_- anywho, I had an idea for a new story. It's a story where the 2p!s start trying to get rid of the 1p!s. Do you think I should write it? Let me know in the comments! See ya!

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